How do you feel about Biden NOW?

There's literally a mentally ill person, with a history of making threats, who murdered 18 people, wounded more, his guns were legally owned and he's still on the run from the law, so he could murder more before he's caught.

And you just proved another point I have been saying for months. You wanna ban guns, because you think the GUN is the problem, when it's the person behind the gun... that is the problem.

Once again... the drunk driver analogy I have been using. Did the car run over someone and kill them... or was it the driver behind the wheel???????

Notice question "h"... (most anything in that section is grounds for disqualification to own/purchase a firearm if answered yes).

The ATF/FBI is on the other end of the phone... as the gun shop owner is giving the person's info that signed the firearms form... to the FBI.

If the person lied on the forum, that's a Felony, and the local sheriff will be dispatched to make an arrest.

I've already pointed this out to you a few times.

9 Democrats out of 212, less than 5%. Some of those 9 voted no because they want Israel to do more regarding the massive civilian body count that is piling up. What's the point if you just end up killing more civilians (many of them children) than the terrorist.

While close to 100 House Republicans (about 45%) want to stop sending aid to Ukraine.

Cutting aid to Ukraine only helps Putin (and China). So, do you see the light yet?
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And you just proved another point I have been saying for months. You wanna ban guns, because you think the GUN is the problem, when it's the person behind the gun... that is the problem.

Once again... the drunk driver analogy I have been using. Did the car run over someone and kill them... or was it the driver behind the wheel???????


No, you're still wrong, because it's not just the person, it's the gun too, as you can't go on a shooting spree without a gun. The United States does not have a monopoly on mental illness, yet we do have more mass shootings than a lot of other countries, we're closer to worn-torn counties bordering on anarchy in some instances.

Look at Canada, the UK and Australia, there's mental illness there as well, but after their sweeping gun reform laws, their shootings plummeted: How Canada, Australia, UK changed laws after mass shootings

It's almost like sensible gun reform works or something...

Our main problem is the ease of which almost any adult (and sometimes underage) can get weapons, especially weapons that can cause a lot of damage in a small amount of time, with little training.
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A car can be used as a weapon, and will most likely do as much or more damage than a firearm.

Did you forget the attack on the Capitol building... when some nutcase tried to go through the barriers, and killed two officers???

I can pull up all sort of incidents on the internet, where a motor vehicle was used for the same purposes as a firearm.

Suspected driver in 'possibly intentional' California crash that mowed down 8 pedestrians identified as 34-year-old Isaiah Joel Peoples

Blind Ignorant...
No, you're still wrong, because it's not just the person, it's the gun too, as you can't go on a shooting spree without a gun.
You stupid, blind, idiot!!! Face it. Some people just have dark, evil hearts!!!

You are still blaming the "inanimate object"... rather than blaming THE PERSON.

So let's say the idiotic government manages to ban all guns. I'll bet you $1000 that the vehicular homicide rates go up!!!

What then??? Do we ban everyone from driving???

This is how stupid and ridiculous your argument is.
I can tell you that hot sauce bottles in a lunch box... look like beer bottles when going through x-ray in a nuke plant.

The guards got a chuckle out of that one. :D
No one really said Biden is a "savior" or "god's chosen president", he's just a President.

Now Trump's been peddled as a savior and god's chosen president since 2016:

Mary Colbert: God Will Curse Trump's Critics And Their Children, Grandchildren​

If you don't want to watch it, she goes on to say that Trump is a "chosen one" of god; who god works through and if you go against the "chosen one" god will curse you and your children and their children etc.

It's the cult of Trump on full display. Trumpers still believe this.

You cant treat these jackholes like serious people. They are either actual fascist, trolls, brainwashed morons or some combination of that.

They really are up there with the worst America has to offer, just a cesspool of hate, greed and stupidity.
A car can be used as a weapon, and will most likely do as much or more damage than a firearm.

Did you forget the attack on the Capitol building... when some nutcase tried to go through the barriers, and killed two officers???

I can pull up all sort of incidents on the internet, where a motor vehicle was used for the same purposes as a firearm.

Suspected driver in 'possibly intentional' California crash that mowed down 8 pedestrians identified as 34-year-old Isaiah Joel Peoples

Blind Ignorant...

Yet when someone wants to mass murder people, they most often resort to guns. Go figure.

Your silly red herring argument is just that, a silly red herring.
You stupid, blind, idiot!!! Face it. Some people just have dark, evil hearts!!!

You are still blaming the "inanimate object"... rather than blaming THE PERSON.

So let's say the idiotic government manages to ban all guns. I'll bet you $1000 that the vehicular homicide rates go up!!!

What then??? Do we ban everyone from driving???

This is how stupid and ridiculous your argument is.

Look how angry and belligerent you are over the facts getting in your fact. Grow up.

Does Australia, Canada and the UK have some vehicle mass murder rate now? Nope.

You also fail once again, it's not about "banning all guns", it's about enacting sensible gun laws, which would result in the bans of possibly some weapons and you might have to go through an extra screening and wait an extra couple days for your precious, Gollum.
You cant treat these jackholes like serious people. They are either actual fascist, trolls, brainwashed morons or some combination of that.

They really are up there with the worst America has to offer, just a cesspool of hate, greed and stupidity.

They are the worst America has to offer, but we unfortunately have to take them seriously, as they have the power to elect a hyper-demagogue like Trump and then support Trump's attempts to overturn a legal election, while pretending nothing much happened during the January 6th insurrection and failed coup, or blame it on Democrats.

We also use an antiquated and frankly corrupt system called the Electoral College to elect presidents, which allows the person with fewer votes to win. If we made every citizen's vote equal and the person with the most votes wins, as it should be, Republicans would rarely win.

They also keep electing and supporting Republicans who are bought and paid for by Russian interests: Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

Now we see why Mike Johnson wants to cut all aid to Ukraine...
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No, you're still wrong, because it's not just the person,
Yes... It IS just the person. Take away the gun... and they will find something else to use as a weapon.

I proved that point with the automobiles driving into crowds of people.

You are delusional in your thinking to believe that taking away guns is going to fix the problem.

I'll remind you again about Cain and Abel. That was about jealousy... and hate.

More proof would be 9/11.

Not a fascist, not a troll (look at my join date and post count). Where did you crawl out of recently, since you've only been on this forum for a few months.

I can hear the hate in your "tone" of what you type.

But if the liberal left want to rant, that's fine.

The point is still... guns don't kill people. People kill people.
Ohhhhh.... that's right. Cain didn't kill Abel... the rock did. How silly of me.:rolleyes:

And you still want to choke the f***) out of me. You sound like a good candidate for gun violence and seizure of any weapons you may own.
Yes... It IS just the person. Take away the gun... and they will find something else to use as a weapon.

I proved that point with the automobiles driving into crowds of people.

You are delusional in your thinking to believe that taking away guns is going to fix the problem.

I'll remind you again about Cain and Abel. That was about jealousy... and hate.

More proof would be 9/11.
HYG again: How Canada, Australia, UK changed laws after mass shootings

Seems to have worked well enough in Australia, Canada and the UK. The US does not have a monopoly on mentally ill people or hateful people.

You realize that using 9/11 as an example goes against your point, yeah? What happened after 9/11? Massive reforms on airline safety protocols and the George Bush admin implemented The Department of Homeland Security.

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