How do you feel about Biden NOW?

No, you're still wrong, because it's not just the person,
Yes... It IS just the person. Take away the gun... and they will find something else to use as a weapon.

I proved that point with the automobiles driving into crowds of people.

You are delusional in your thinking to believe that taking away guns is going to fix the problem.

I'll remind you again about Cain and Abel. That was about jealousy... and hate.

More proof would be 9/11.
you might have to go through an extra screening and wait an extra couple days for your precious, Gollum.
Yeah... That's already being done with people that want to own (fully) automatic weapons or other devices. It's called a class iii weapons permit.

Not cheap... and puts a gun owner under more strict rules.
Yes... It IS just the person. Take away the gun... and they will find something else to use as a weapon.

I proved that point with the automobiles driving into crowds of people.

You are delusional in your thinking to believe that taking away guns is going to fix the problem.

I'll remind you again about Cain and Abel. That was about jealousy... and hate.

More proof would be 9/11.

Yeah... That's already being done with people that want to own (fully) automatic weapons or other devices. It's called a class iii weapons permit.

Not cheap... and puts a gun owner under more strict rules.

HYG again, again:

HYG again: How Canada, Australia, UK changed laws after mass shootings

Seems to have worked well enough in Australia, Canada and the UK. The US does not have a monopoly on mentally ill people or hateful people.

You realize that using 9/11 as an example goes against your point, yeah? What happened after 9/11? Massive reforms on airline safety protocols and the George Bush admin implemented The Department of Homeland Security.
Yeah... people in Australia are barely lucky to have a shotgun... let alone a handgun.
More facts:

Australia homicide gun deaths per 100,000 residents: 0.15
Canada homicide gun deaths per 100,000 residents: 0.52
United Kingdom homicide gun deaths per 100,000 residents: 0.02
United states homicide gun deaths per 100,000 residents: 4.46

You don't have to be a maths wizard to see that 0.15, 0.52 and 0.02 are A LOT LOWER than 4.46.

Hmmm, it's almost like their gun regulations work or something.
If you had lost a loved one in this most recent mass murder, you'd be singing a different tune.
What about the insults?

Let's just say you "touched a nerve". A very personal one.

Again... the gun is not the problem. He could have left her alone. Using the gun was a cowards way out... after what he did to her.
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And you call me thin skinned...

Anyhow, the gun violence statistics don't llie, what Australia, Canada and the UK did worked for them, gun violence went WAY down.

But in America, we put people's masturbatory love of guns as being more important than human life.
And you call me thin skinned...
What... Should I be happy that 2 people lost their lives in my family due to gun violence... which then profoundly affected 30 more or so family members?

Like I said recently... when/if that happens to you, (God forbid), let me know and we can have a very honest and RAW conversation.

Until then... I'm done discussing this with you on an open forum.
And my wife's 14yo cousin was shot to death by a 16yo because she refused to have sex with him at a party, after she fought back his advances. So you don't have a monopoly on gun crimes happening and with how prevalent gun crime is in America, a lot of people have family members or are close to people who have lost loved ones.

You're also the one that keeps bringing up guns and gun rights. But you when the facts/statistics don't agree with your views, it's hand-waves and platitude responses.
And my wife's 14yo cousin was shot to death by a 16yo because she refused to have sex with him at a party, after she fought back his advances. So you don't have a monopoly on gun crimes happening and with how prevalent gun crime is in America, a lot of people have family members or are close to people who have lost loved ones.

You're also the one that keeps bringing up guns and gun rights. But you when the facts/statistics don't agree with your views, it's hand-waves and platitude responses.
Sorry to hear that you have been affected also. However. I will still hold my ground on the fact that THE PERSON is evil/corrupt. It's not the gun.

In your case with your wife's cousin... the asshole could have just as easy used a knife or baseball bat... Not to sound callous.

You have to put the blame where it falls, and it's not the gun. It's in the corrupt heart of the evildoer. Using a gun is the cowards way out.

My sympathies to you and your wife.:(
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They are the worst America has to offer, but we unfortunately have to take them seriously, as they have the power to elect a hyper-demagogue like Trump and then support Trump's attempts to overturn a legal election, while pretending nothing much happened during the January 6th insurrection and failed coup, or blame it on Democrats.

We also use an antiquated and frankly corrupt system called the Electoral College to elect presidents, which allows the person with fewer votes to win. If we made every citizen's vote equal and the person with the most votes wins, as it should be, Republicans would rarely win.

They also keep electing and supporting Republicans who are bought and paid for by Russian interests: Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

Now we see why Mike Johnson wants to cut all aid to Ukraine...
I agree. But there is no point in trying to convince them of anything. I mean i guess you sharpen your arguments.
But nothing changes for them, they are immune to facts and can only agree with talking points from their god. I suppose I’m just tired of talking to walls. Stay sane!

“I mean, it’s inexcusable what he’s done. I believe he’s committed impeachable offenses, but we only have so much time and resources to go after that,” Johnson told Fox News’s Sean Hannity in an interview. -snip

It's the classic Republican tactic of smearing someone without proof, knowing the damage is done via empty words alone. Because if Johnson had even a shred of proof, he'd absolutely go after Mayorkas, as he should.
Sorry to hear that you have been affected also. However. I will still hold my ground on the fact that THE PERSON is evil/corrupt. It's not the gun.

In your case with your wife's cousin... the asshole could have just as easy used a knife or baseball bat... Not to sound callous.

You have to put the blame where it falls, and it's not the gun. It's in the corrupt heart of the evildoer. Using a gun is the cowards way out.

My sympathies to you and your wife.:(

He could have used a lot of things like a brick or log as well, but he didn't, he used a gun, because gun are more lethal. If he had used say a knife of bat as you mentioned, she might still be alive, as they're not as lethal and you have a better chance of getting away, compared to having a gun pulled on you.

There's a reason why mass murderers tend to gravitate to guns, notably AR-15 style rifles, because they can more quickly kill a lot of people compared to a knife or a bat.

And as I've already shown you repeatedly, Australia, Canada and the UK lowered their gun violence deaths. No reason to believe why it wouldn't work here.
From a Newsweek article in May of 2022.


Australia seems to have re-armed itself. Hmmm...

I remember a time (years ago) where American gunmakers were shipping guns to Australia. lIRC... most of those were semi-automatic pistols (handguns).
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Ya know... (you and Boognish) might be too young to remember the "Brady bill" and the 3, 5, or 7 day (don't remember which) "cooling off period" that was instated for a while. It was to give people a chance NOT... to act on impulse.

True story... A decade or so back, I had a neighbor come over to my house. He was pretty worked up, (and a pretty big guy).

I put the island countertop between me and him... just in case.

He was asking me to borrow one of my guns. He said he just wanted to scare someone.

I told him "no", and he knew my policy. My guns don't leave my house with out me.

He left angry... but without any gun.
From a Newsweek article in May of 2022.

View attachment 828578236

Australia seems to have re-armed itself. Hmmm...

I remember a time (years ago) where American gunmakers were shipping guns to Australia. lIRC... most of those were semi-automatic pistols (handguns).

The types of guns is kinda a huge part of the problem, it's not just the extremely easy access.

eg If you wanted to go on a mass murder shooting spree, with one version of you armed with an AR-15 style rifle with an extended clip and another version of you armed with a single barrel single shot 12gauge. The AR-15 wielding you is going to likely have a much higher kill count due to your weapon.
From a Newsweek article in May of 2022.

View attachment 828578236

Australia seems to have re-armed itself. Hmmm...

I remember a time (years ago) where American gunmakers were shipping guns to Australia. lIRC... most of those were semi-automatic pistols (handguns).

So in this TRUE scenario... who or what was the problem???

And if you say the gun was the problem, you ARE an idiot.

They're both the problem. It's not a single-issue problem, it's a many issues problem.
I agree. But there is no point in trying to convince them of anything. I mean i guess you sharpen your arguments.
But nothing changes for them, they are immune to facts and can only agree with talking points from their god. I suppose I’m just tired of talking to walls. Stay sane!

Believe me when I say 'I hear you'.

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