Update on the Lamin-x tails:
Step 4 - Lighting v2: OEM HIDs
The halogens weren't enough, it was time to upgrade.
Steel L-bracket to replace a sh*tty (broken) plastic mount - thanks pops!
At this point I already had my driver side HID headlamp installed, which I got off eBay.
Last week I found a set of both lights for $200 on eBay, which seemed like a steal. Long story short, the passenger side lamp wasn't of much use as the reflector was broken off -
2 of the 3 mounting points were damaged, including the adjustment post. Again, my pops was able to help me out, although some credit goes out to me.

We cut the old halogen light up and extracted some parts, and DYI-repaired the third post.
The problematic area and how it was fixed.
And finally..
It seems to be holding just fine for now

Now, just to repair the 3rd tab above the hi-beam, but that can wait.
I went out at night to aim the lights, which were apparently too low by about 10 inches, lol.
That's it for now.
Also, the Hoen bulbs started to peel some paint off the tips. Don't buy them