
Yeah Dumbf*CK. That means no "set" or establishment of a "National" religion.

For example... Islam IS an establishment of a national religion. DUH !!!

LoL, look how mad you are because you're wrong again. FunFact: Our Constitution is for our states too...

There's also precedent for this. See: Engel v Vitale (1962) - "Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421, was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools, due to violation of the First Amendment."

Not that you Rightist care, you just want to indoctrinate children.
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LoL, look how mad you are because you're wrong again. FunFact: Our Constitution is for our states too...
Not mad about anything, but you ARE ignorant (and wrong).

Look into the Jefferson letters written to the Danbury Baptist Association where Jefferson mentions "separation of church and state". It was meant to keep government out of religious affairs...

Dumbf*ck !!!
Your are twisting what the founding Fathers intended... which included NO establishment of a national religion.

Did you actually graduate high school??? or did you fail Obama's "common core"?

Dumbf*CK !!! You had to have failed "common core". :rolleyes:
Your are twisting what the founding Fathers intended... which included NO establishment of a national religion.

Did you actually graduate high school??? or did you fail Obama's "common core"?

LoL. You're adding the word "National", to twist the first Amendment to fix your bias. Sorry, you don't get to add words to our Constitution. As already noted, our Constitution also governs our individual states and there's precedent for this with Engel v Vitale (1962).

America isn't a Christian theocracy, nor a Christian nation, it's a nation of people with many religions and many without, and the First Amendment's first ten words are there to make sure no religion is set as law.

You people want to indoctrinate children starting at kindergarten into your skewed religious views. Move to Iran, that type of indoctrination is legal there.
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From 'WORST debater' to 'worthy debater': Trump changes his tune on Biden's skills

The former president, leery of past mistakes when he set the bar too low for Biden, is now trying to raise expectations for his rival in their first 2024 showdown Thursday in Atlanta. -snip

Oh Trumpers...
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LoL. You're adding the word "National", to twist the first Amendment to fix your bias.
I added nothing. At the time of the Jefferson letters to the DBA. There were concerns of a National religion by the DBA. (which NEVER happened)

AGAIN... If you studied actual history (not common core) you would find out the "intent" of the establishment clause was to allow freedom OF religion and religious expression. So YOU are ignorant when you try to twist what is actually written in the establishment clause.

Typical lying, twisting, Lefty Liberal. The establishment clause was intended to protect religious freedoms from people like YOU.;)

YES... The establishment clause also includes/protects radical Muslims (terrorists) too.

Chew on that for a moment you ignorant putz.
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I added nothing.

You're literally still adding "national religion" to the First Amendment to twist it to fit your bias:

First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Dec 15th 1791

You're wrong as usual and mad about it. What the Far-Rightist did in Louisianan is religious indoctrination of children and it is unconstitutional and there's a 1962 precedent for it being unconstitutional.
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The only thing maddening here, is your ignorance.

It seems you are the one that has been indoctrinated, and are hung up on the word "National" religion. Which as you pointed out... is not part of the First Amendment.

AGAIN... the Jefferson letters to the Danbury Baptist Association show that Jefferson was assuring the DBA that there would be no establishment of a national religion.

When Jefferson wrote to the DBA, the DBA was a small religious minority. Their concern was that a national religion would assimilate them to a point where the DBA would no longer exist.

It seems you are arguing just to argue, and/or have no clue what the establishment clause is actually about.

You are so far to the Left... you can't even comprehend what Jefferson was talking about.
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You are getting hung up on the word "National"... when Jefferson was expressing "freedom of religion" for all faiths.

Again... you are so far to the Left, that you don't understand what the "establishment clause" is actually about.

But I would expect that from a "non-religious" extreme radical Liberal. o_O
Believe me... If someone wanted to make Catholicism the national religion of the United States... I would be in extreme protest... but it would take too long to explain why.
My point is... Jefferson was assuring the DBA that there would be no establishment of a National religion.

I see Obama's "common core" failed you again... along with your (false) radical Leftist ideology.
You certainly don't know shit about religious affairs... or just want to twist things to your beliefs. (denial)

Again... The Establishment clause even protects radical islamists that want to destroy this country.

9/11 comes to mind.:rolleyes:

Ignorant Dumbf*CK !!!!!
You're the one adding words to the First Amendment, not me, genius.

Spin, rage an insult all you like, this means exactly what it says, not what you want it to mean: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

"The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another."
-Cornell Law School

The Judaeo-Christian religious indoctrination of school children the Far-Rightist is doing in Louisiana violates that. As noted and dodged by you repeatedly, there's already precedent with Engel v Vitale (1962) :)
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You're adding the word "National", to twist the first Amendment to fix your bias.

This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion,
Exactly d*mbf*CK. It prevents the government from creating a National religion. If Biden (or Trump) wants to declare that Catholicism is to be the religion of the U.S..... it's not allowed by the first amendment.

You are retarded... and trying to "pick nits".

Come back to the "center Left" and you will see how lopsided you are, over the word "National"

Again... read the Jefferson/Danbury Letters. Or just go back up to post #1167.

You are dense!!!
Exactly d*mbf*CK. It prevents the government from creating a National religion. If Biden (or Trump) wants to declare that Catholicism is to be the religion of the U.S..... it's not allowed by the first amendment.

You are retarded... and trying to "pick nits".

Come back to the "center Left" and you will see how lopsided you are, over the word "National"

Again... read the Jefferson/Danbury Letters. Or just go back up to post #1167.

You are dense!!!

Now you're pretending you were correct all along... LoL. But now you skipped this part,: "but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another." The First Amendment iis as it is, not for you to peicemeal at your whims or add to it to change the meaning.

Which is also what the Far-Rightist in Louisiana are doing with their religious indoctrination in public schools. See that Engel v Vitale (1962) precedent you keep dodging. You support relgious indoctrination of children.
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