
Glad I wasn't educated under Obama's "common core" ;).

And yes... I went to a Catholic school for a few years. I had no problems or issues with prayer in school.

I'm not "godless" like you are.
I even said the "pledge of allegiance" every day.

Is THAT "indoctrination"???

The Pledge of Alliance was not mandatory, while the placing of the Ten Commandments in Louisiana public schools is. Not my fault you can't grasp this.
But in Dude's delusional far Left (Karen) mind... I'm sure he thought Biden won. :rolleyes: o_O

Unlike you I go with facts and reality regardless if I like them or not. It was a bad night overall for Biden, the first half was a shit-show for him, but he improved during the second half. He had several good points eg his acts for veterans, computer chip manufacturing, job creation, unemployment rates, social security, but he struggled to get them out clearly many a time. Same goes for the times he spun some things.

Luckily for Biden Trump severely mitigated Biden's poor performance by being himself: compulsive lying to the nth degree, crying about personal grievances, fear mongering, dodging questions, blaming others for his own bad actions, offering nothing new, usual empty boasts, empty promises, great revisions of his own shit presidency and showing again that he's completely unfit to be POTUS.

In Short Form: Terrible debate, Biden's too old, Trump's a legit danger and we need new laws on who can run for office
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Face it. Kamala is probably going to be the next "Commander in Chief" if Trump loses the debate (and election).

She doesn't have the experience needed for the job.
Face it. Kamala is probably going to be the next "Commander in Chief" if Trump loses the debate (and election).

She doesn't have the experience needed for the job.

Kamala Harris doesn't? LoL. Based on what facts? Be specific.
In my (debatable) opinion... The ONLY reason Harris got the VP position, was because of the debate where she chewed Biden out about bussing... and her statement of "that little girl was me".

Next thing you know... Harris was VP.
I don't need a Kinkos or Office Max either. Kamala has more gaffes than Biden.

You said "She doesn't have the experience needed for the job." , making gaffes and you not liking her is not a lack of experience to be POTUS on her end.

Want to try again, or redact the statement?
You said: "She doesn't have the experience needed for the job."

I'm still waiting to see the proof that she lacks experience to be POTUS?
Either way... it still ignorant to think that people can't get copies of their I.D.

Even most small towns have a Library. Pretty much any school system (or town) has a library close by. (with a copy machine). :rolleyes:

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