
Well if she gets that position when Biden is deemed unfit... I guess we will find out.
So it was just an empty attack on Harris you made. Okay.

Reality: Harris is more than qualified to be POTUS. Deputy District Attorney of SF for 14 years. Distrist Attorney of SF for 7 years. Attorney General for CA for 6 years. US Senator for 4 years. Vice President of the US for (going on) 4 years.

She has orders of magnitudes more experience to be POTUS than Trump did in 2016 and you voted for him.
I do not think the following statement (made last night) by Biden is correct.

"The idea that we are some kind of failing country? I’ve never heard a president talk like that before,” Biden said."

This country is a former shadow of itself. I don't necessarily blame either for a lot of what is going on... but instead blame "outside influences".

There IS... a silent "behind the curtains" attack on this country. The infighting doesn't help either.
I do not think the following statement (made last night) by Biden is correct.

"The idea that we are some kind of failing country? I’ve never heard a president talk like that before,” Biden said."

This country is a former shadow of itself. I don't necessarily blame either for a lot of what is going on... but instead blame "outside influences".

There IS... a silent "behind the curtains" attack on this country. The infighting doesn't help either.

Actually, Biden was factually correct there, America is not a "failing country" as Trump claims, or "a 3rd world country" as Trump's also claimed . eg Look at our economy for one.

Trump probably doesn't even think his statements are true, but it's the kind of fear-mongering rants that get Rightist worked up. Same goes with the rest of his fear-mongering rants.
America has its minor and major issues, but if you actually agree with Trump that America is a "failing country" and/or "3rd world nation", I do feel bad for your mental state.
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I'll say this AGAIN.... why is America (Biden) letting other countries (China) buy land close to our military installations.

Biden is talking better now, so he must be back on his stimulants.
Biden is talking better now, so he must be back on his stimulants.
If Biden were on these "stimulants" as you claim, then why wasn't he on them on Thursday when it really mattered? Work that one out, genius. LoL

The reason you people are always accusing Joe Biden of being a drug user is too deflect, because you know Trump is nigh-constantly on something, how Trump keeps his high energy levels up despite being obese and pushing 80 now. It's a known fact that people slow down as they age, especially past 70.
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Stimulants doesn't necessarily mean drugs.

Glad I could expose Soros for the monster he is... and the company he keeps.

Tracing the Fake News Money Trail | Ohio Senate
Amazing how his "Cold" was gone the next day at a campaign event.

i said long ago that Soros was a real lefty threat, but the esteemed lefty in this thread instead labeled him a "boogyman" created by the right. So wrong, lefty. His son, who is now taking over the reins, is even worse.

Gold star parents were appalled when Biden denied having any military deaths occur during his watch. Real classy move Joe.
If Biden were on these "stimulants" as you claim, then why wasn't he on them on Thursday when it really mattered? Work that one out, genius. LoL

The reason you people are always accusing Joe Biden of being a drug user is too deflect, because you know Trump is nigh-constantly on something, how Trump keeps his high energy levels up despite being obese and pushing 80 now. It's a known fact that people slow down as they age, especially past 70.
Then why didn't he take the drug test before the debate? It would have put all the rumors to rest. Trump volunteered to take one, why not Joe? Just like the DOJ holding the Hur tapes, the real Joe is being hidden from the public. But after Thursday, the cat is out of the bag.
So it was just an empty attack on Harris you made. Okay.

Reality: Harris is more than qualified to be POTUS. Deputy District Attorney of SF for 14 years. Distrist Attorney of SF for 7 years. Attorney General for CA for 6 years. US Senator for 4 years. Vice President of the US for (going on) 4 years.

She has orders of magnitudes more experience to be POTUS than Trump did in 2016 and you voted for him.
And don't forget to mention the superb job she did as Border Czar! Her boyfriend Willie Brown was responsible for her getting her first job.
Then why didn't he take the drug test before the debate? It would have put all the rumors to rest. Trump volunteered to take one, why not Joe? Just like the DOJ holding the Hur tapes, the real Joe is being hidden from the public. But after Thursday, the cat is out of the bag.

The sitting President does not have to take random drug test because some felon wants him to do so, nor because a bunch of Trumpers are repeating the rhetoric. Just not how it works.

If Biden were on these "drugs and stimulants" as you Trumpers love to claim, he would have been on them on Thursdays during his world wide debate.

People in their 80s+ have good days and bad days. Now Trump probably took a triple does of his Adderall that night, how he keeps his energy up despite his poor physical health and pushing 80.
The sitting President does not have to take random drug test because some felon wants him to do so, nor because a bunch of Trumpers are repeating the rhetoric. Just not how it works.
Yes... that IS how it works. I have to take random drug tests for my employment... so why not the leader of the free world.

NO ONE should be exempt.

"Me thinks ye doth protest too much".

I Guess Elite Left radical Liberals follow a different set of rules. :rolleyes:

Kinda like Soros....
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