
You are correct. But I do not think this country can afford to have a president who might have to deal with a major problem on one of his "bad" days. Or attend a major International affair with world leaders on a "bad" day. FLOTUS is committing elder abuse pushing him to stay in the race, IMHO.

You are merely floating a stupid accusation about Trump, and have no proof. he offered to take a drug test before the debate, Joe's camp refused.

I think you should focus on helping Newsom(e) polish his very tarnished image, and get ready to welcome him back to the liberal stronghold of Marin.
Agreed, I am correct, because the facts are on my side as usual.

That's a fair argument, but also an entirely different one than Biden taking a drug test before a debate because a convicted felon is making his silly demands.

Um, Adderall is prescribed by doctors, therefore wouldn't show up on a test meant to catch illicit substances. How else do you explain Trump's high energy despite him being completely out of shape and pushing 80? Unless you think it's HGH, cocaine or some other illicit?

More Newsom and Marin talk, you sound jealous again :)

Sad reality Trumpers have put us in. Damn sad.
Decades ago my son was diagnosed with ADD. (the local school system got extra funding from the government... for each student that was diagnosed)

Around the same time there was another family (in the upper Northwest) that was dealing with pressure to medicate.

That family sued their local school system... and won.

At that point my son's local school system backed off from pressuring to medicate.

The WORST thing to give a child with ADD, (besides Ritalin), is high doses of unnatural sugar. Ever look at the lable of a cereal box?

Most breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar.
How do I know the difference with Adderall? I worked with a guy that took Adderall. He kept his script on him, in case he had to take a drug test (for work)... since is shows up as an amphetamine. :rolleyes:
More Newsom and Marin talk, you sound jealous again
Actually, it is utter contempt I have for the liberal elites who mainly inhabit that county. Newsom(e) belongs there so he can be with his kids at that 60K/yr private school in Ross. Or maybe at one of his wineries in Napa county. Much closer to the French Laundry there. Regular California kids will just have to deal with the crappy public schools (Part of your legacy, Gavin).
How do I know the difference with Adderall? I worked with a guy that took Adderall. He kept his script on him, in case he had to take a drug test (for work)... since is shows up as an amphetamine. :rolleyes:
This actually happened to a NASCAR driver years back. Jeremy Mayfield was taking Adderall being prescribed by his doctor. NASCAR did a random drug test on drivers and he obviously popped positive. His career was ended despite his taking it by prescription. It does show up on drug screens.
Hey DUD... wait till you have kids and the local school system tells you that you need to medicate them.

How are you going to feel when you may be forced to do that???

Ignorant F*ck....
Actually, it is utter contempt I have for the liberal elites who mainly inhabit that county. Newsom(e) belongs there so he can be with his kids at that 60K/yr private school in Ross. Or maybe at one of his wineries in Napa county. Much closer to the French Laundry there. Regular California kids will just have to deal with the crappy public schools (Part of your legacy, Gavin).

You're free to have that contempt, you're also completely detachment from reality.

But I do like how you have contempt for wealthy elites and private schools, yet worship Trump. You realize Trump is an actual born super-wealthy elitist and his kids went to expensive private schools, yeah?

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