Got my drivers side air bag changed out to a REAL all black one.
After (not cleaned yet)
Cruise control switches are only $22 new on Ebay:
Got my drivers side air bag changed out to a REAL all black one.
After (not cleaned yet)
Wow you put your Mark that close to Salt...ick
washed off all the pollen thats been accumilating on my car the past 2 weeks..
Not true my 95 to over an hour for them to do it. First took them my 93 ... a few weeks later took my 95. After sitting for an hour I walked back and asked what's taking so long.
Reply ... Our computers are down and we can't find it. I told them it was on the pass side behind the shroud. They told me it wasn't that it had to be near the master cylinder. I told them nope ... finally after about 10 more min. They actually looked and I'll be dog gone ... there it was.
When I brought my 94 in they asked me if I knew were it was located on my 94. They listened....
Got my drivers side air bag changed out to a REAL all black one.
After (not cleaned yet)
Hey, that came out of my 94 lol. Yeah, you better clean that. I'm sure it has soot on it from the fire. I'm just kidding, the seats that I took out were actually clean and not really any soot on them like I would have thought.