What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Aha!!! I thought that's where it was. I messed with that plunger some yesterday. I didn't turn it, though. I just sprayed it and punched it in vigorously a few times hoping it would losen up a bit. I'll try turning it this time and see what happens.:)

Edit: It didn't work. :(

the door ajar sensor is in the bottom of the latch, you just twist it out
WD-40 is a load of :q:q:q:q.

PB Blaster all the way!

the active ingerdient in WD-40 is fish oil, apply it to YOUR joints if you have arthritis ( seriously !!!)

other than that, use PB-Blaster on car parts...remember with PB thou, a little goes a LONG way, so you dont have to soak it till it drowns, a few drops usually does the trick
I need.....

Seat track for Gen 2, driver side or information on someone who can rebuild one. Any information greatly appreciated.

On a lighter note...

My dad and I installed my blend door actuator assembly in 3 hours total, but had dinner so more like 2 1/2 hours. Not bad for the first time. So glad I have heat for the upcoming Florida winter. BUT... I still need my seat track. :(
try unplugging the switch, and see if the warning goes out (this will test the wiring etc) if the light goes out with it unplugged its either the switch or the latch isnt pushing the switch. remove the switch and plug it back in and push the plunger in and out if the warning goes away its the latch if the plunger dont move its the switch
I'll try that tomorrow. I just fiberglassed the inside of my door panel this morning. Hopefully it will be fully cured tomorrow evening and I can get it put back in the car. I'm working night shift this evening so I won't be able to work on it any more until tomorrow afternoon.
Aaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!! That frakkin' door ajar sensor is pi$$ing me the frak off! I got a can of PB Blaster and soaked the heck out of both latches and slammed the doors repeatedly but the dam thing won't go off!!!!!!! I've pulled out what little hair I have left. And I can't get the stupid thing unplugged. There's not enough room to get my hand in there to get a grip on it. Dammit! I'm going to have a beer and go to bed...
fixed front main seal then beat on the egr valve with a hammer....it worked...check engine light is on but idles smooth now.
Aaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!! That frakkin' door ajar sensor is pi$$ing me the frak off! I got a can of PB Blaster and soaked the heck out of both latches and slammed the doors repeatedly but the dam thing won't go off!!!!!!! I've pulled out what little hair I have left. And I can't get the stupid thing unplugged. There's not enough room to get my hand in there to get a grip on it. Dammit! I'm going to have a beer and go to bed...

Won't the hood sensor also give a "door ajar" message?
Alternator in the 97 took a dump, so I swapped the alternator and battery from the DA over to the 97.

Ordered a new alternator from Max, and will put it in the DA when it arrives. Getting the battery from the 97 tested today to make sure it didn't get fried when the alternator went t*ts up.
Quick question: Does anyone know if a '99-'04 Mustang steering wheel will fit a Mark VIII? They look exactly the same. I need one because the leather on my '96 wheel is literally disintegrating and it looks horrible. I found a '99 'Stang wheel super cheap and if it will work I'm thinking of buying it. Thanks.
fixed bumper brackets, cleaned up my hid wireing and removed the old ballasts and wireing. re hardwired my radar dectector w/solder. Removed the padding from behind my modified fender liners

Found out that i have alittle rust showing its face at the very bottom of door :(
Detailed it again for a SVT GTG tomorrow at some Ford dealer. Fuggin grasshoppers are driving me nuts! Takes longer to clean the front bumper then it does the rest of the car.
Quick question: Does anyone know if a '99-'04 Mustang steering wheel will fit a Mark VIII? They look exactly the same. I need one because the leather on my '96 wheel is literally disintegrating and it looks horrible. I found a '99 'Stang wheel super cheap and if it will work I'm thinking of buying it. Thanks.

Doug (DLF) installed a FR500 steering wheel in his Mark. You should probably post the question in a normal thread because he'll likely never see this. It looks as though modifications are involved because the Mark VIII uses a splined shaft as opposed to the FR500 which uses flats. See the link for details.
Replaced the spark plugs in the '96 and put the p/s door panel back on. It runs a little better, but there's still a slightly rough idle. Probably install some wires next, then the IAC when I get one.
Finished the rust repair on the pass door..The inner lower part was rusty and just started to show externally..Took off the rubber seal and it was worse then i though..Took a wire wheel to it and sanded..Put on some rust converter, prime, paint, clear..Looks good..For now.........

Resucured the rear airlines and solinoid plug to the car..

all i need to do now is fab up something for the rear canisters under the trunk..What i have in place works fine but is ugly looking if viewed under the car.

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