What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

lol that was a joke damn an way i am picking up a set of 3.73 gears the guys calling after he gets off work
I done some dismantling...


driller will those '03 Cobra exhaust manifolds fit on a gen2 or would i be better off buying the headers from scp? but here about bills issues with there products makes me wonder otherwise
Took pictures and then petted the car as I walked back to the house to e-mail a shop to make a billet grille.
driller will those '03 Cobra exhaust manifolds fit on a gen2 or would i be better off buying the headers from scp? but here about bills issues with there products makes me wonder otherwise

I know they fit my '96 and I know of people who had them on Gen2s.

I don't know if I would buy another set of Kooks myself, I would likely just go with the cobra manifolds.
I warshed mine. I love my car, wish I could afford to drive it! :lol:
Last night fixed my passenger side door handle,stripped the paint off the roof of car,fixed the rust forming on the rear spoiler,removed 3 door dings (thanks to co-workers)from left side of car and 4 palm dents from wife closing the passenger side door,primered back half of car, ordered paint.today putting on new rear air bags and driver side rear upper control arm.and more sanding..
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Drove it to work this morning and gave it a bath at the Lazer Wash (cuz I'm lazy and it's friggin' cold outside!). First time the '96 has even been started in about two weeks. Blew a slow-a$$ Prius (dam tree-huggers) and two Caddy CTS's off the road this morning on the way to work. I can't stand people who can't seem to figure out that the gas pedal makes the car go faster. 40mph in a 55mph zone is unacceptable:D And Prius drivers are the absolute worst for slow-poking around. I've actually seen Prius' doing 50mph on the bypass where the speed limit is 65mph!!! Apparently, they think the slower they drive, the more polar bears they can save in Antarctica. But anyway, the ol' Hot Rod Lincoln's still got it where it counts!
Hey where did you get your hid's done, mine are starting to flicker and instead of buying used bulbs on ebay I'm just thinking about converting to after market hid let me know if you have any suggestions, I'd greatly appeciate it!
Hey where did you get your hid's done, mine are starting to flicker and instead of buying used bulbs on ebay I'm just thinking about converting to after market hid let me know if you have any suggestions, I'd greatly appeciate it!

If you're talking about the white '97 LSC in the picture in my sig, those are original. I've never touched them. Now, the red '96 still has the original halogens with cloudy lenses and burnt off chrome in the housings. They desperately need to be redone. When I get time, I'm going to take them out, polish the lenses, rechrome the housings, and install a pair of HID's. I'll probably get one of those plug-n-play kits off fleabay for $40 bucks or so. I've heard that they work pretty well.
Put new TRW front sway bar links in. Car feels so much better. The parts store was kind enough to warrenty my links from SCP. :D

Tracks true again and no more annoying rattle up front.
Some parts stores are SO nice, I think it all worked out rather well -evil grin-
Do you have a friend with a receipt for those parts from the parts store there?
picked up some parts from the rust stripper. Gonna try some home brew powder coating tomorrow. Will post some pics if I do not destroy them.
From what I have been reading, you're definitely right.

Is that a slant 6 I'm seeing in your avatar picture?

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