Havn't done much to my Mark today except for driving it.
God I love the thing even though it has it's flaws like bad transmission, cracked leather etc.
Also noticed something abit funny.
My Mark has gone 120k miles (passed 120k last week) and I found some old reciepts both from the US and Sweden.
12th of December 2004 it was serviced in the US and it had 113,047 miles on the odometer.
In 2008 (in sweden) it had 113,551 miles on the clock.
And now in 2012 it has 120,02x on it. And of those my father has done a couple of hundreds, I've done closer to 300.
Quite cool when you think of it. It's been a garage queen for almost all it's years in Sweden. The first gentleman who owned it (in sweden that is) died, another old man bought it from the widow just to be nice to her and then I bought it from him.
Too bad the car could be in better shape (interior wise). Poorly maintained leather and trashed head liner in the rear (I'm beliving alot of water got inside there and trashed it).
And on my trip an old gentleman came up to me while I was parked in a parking lot talking to a friend.
Apperently he had a Cadillac STS and was quite interested in the Lincoln

That's why I love having odd cars, many people have lots of questions. Good way to meet people
Also I noticed the plastic interiors in american cars aren't the best for a subwoofer in the trunk. I'm gonna go crazy because of all the rattling!