What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Does it need a drivers door handle?

The T-bird? Then no. We have way too much parts for the Fox bodies already. We slaughtered one of the few scrapped 87-88 T-birds in Sweden for parts. Took everything that could ever be used again :D

nice color! you're the first person I've seen post on here recently with a willow green mark, mine looked exactly like yours when it rolled off the assembly line with the painted 10 spokes..then the original owner opted for dealer installed chrome 20 spokes. what year is yours? 95 or 96?

Love the color! Although I might like the darker green, can't remember the name of that color. But I love willow green, looks really well in that color.
I'm abit confused. I don't know what wheels I want. I like the 10 spokes but I might like the 20 spokes better (have a set of those). We'll see what happens :)
It's a 95.
You can't imagine my face when I found the original phone for the car lying in the boot next to the spare wheel :D I just had to put it in for the awesomeness.
Wow chicken, sounds fun.

Today I replaced my 1 week old performance brake pads with Wagner Thermo Quiet (thanks again michael) on the front and rear. Now the pads are making full contact on all the rotors. did the 'break in' with the new drilled and slotted rotors. And I looked good in it. ;)
Wow chicken, sounds fun.

Today I replaced my 1 week old performance brake pads with Wagner Thermo Quiet (thanks again michael) on the front and rear. Now the pads are making full contact on all the rotors. did the 'break in' with the new drilled and slotted rotors. And I looked good in it. ;)

Those are some damn good pads. Have you got it up to any high speed yet? 80+ to feel for any vibration? I'm asking because of the new rotors you just put on.
Not yet. 60 was the fastest. I have to get it out on the interstate and see whats up. I doubt I'll be on any interstate for another 6 weeks. Work and school. :-/ My free time I play with my mark and some photography. I am by no means a pro, I just love it
Not yet. 60 was the fastest. I have to get it out on the interstate and see whats up. I doubt I'll be on any interstate for another 6 weeks. Work and school. :-/ My free time I play with my mark and some photography. I am by no means a pro, I just love it

Let us know when you get the chance. I was thinking about getting these for my front for now and then getting the rear later on.

Made some bling for it

Chicken, wher you been?

Good to see your back.
workin........stupid job, actually my job has been kinda fun, still wrenching but now its at a 1-2 man shop so its alot easier pace, just gotta work on everything that comes in now :(
Those are some damn good pads. Have you got it up to any high speed yet? 80+ to feel for any vibration? I'm asking because of the new rotors you just put on.

every car i drove with cross drilled/ slotted rotors were very loud when breaking
Did a little "doodling" the other day:

Mark VIII Drawing2.jpg

Not the best scan. My scanner's old. I didn't put a lot of detail in the wheels. This was a quick sketch using one of the pictures I took of the car after I washed it last weekend.

Mark VIII Drawing2.jpg
Just throw a gen1 nose on that Gen2, I'd buy...but I'd want my wheels drawn, with detail
Well today I had to uninstall and re-install my IAC because yesterday when replacing it somehow the gasket fell off and didn't know until today when backed it out of garage. :Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang
Yup, big time. But I went from doing an IAC in 5 hours yesterday to doing one in an hour and half today. Knowing the size of bolts and little tricks REALLY help out
New mods

I installled LMS mass air kit and all new LED turn, corner and marker lights. Last week installed Alex B.'s solid wood shifter- his work is outstanding!
Yup, big time. But I went from doing an IAC in 5 hours yesterday to doing one in an hour and half today. Knowing the size of bolts and little tricks REALLY help out

A little dab of Elmer's glue always helps me out if I change one. Just smear it around very thin and it will hold in place to mount but yes, the more times you do one, the faster you'll get.
Took out my driver and pass side led/ee light assemblys and cleaned the led housing contacts. Who knew they wouldn't have an actual plug and just quick disconnects. Odd.

I also cleaned her inside and out real good.
I took the neon off of the car and checked it for any corrosion on the connections to see if it was the reason it worked sometimes yes and sometimes no. Turns out it corroded and broke off and a little bit of the wire would touch the ground and cause it to work.

I re-did the end and cleaned it up nice and it works everytime now :) I'm currently looking at my pass side tail light and fixing the corner so it fits better. :)
Well I got bored so I'm repainting my trunk keyhole cover I made a couple years ago.

I took the neon off of the car and checked it for any corrosion on the connections to see if it was the reason it worked sometimes yes and sometimes no. Turns out it corroded and broke off and a little bit of the wire would touch the ground and cause it to work.

I re-did the end and cleaned it up nice and it works everytime now I'm currently looking at my pass side tail light and fixing the corner so it fits better.

Gotta love easy fixes.
Man, it was so easy. Hardest part was finding a new screw. The old one was toasted.

I am currently waxing the car and I fixed the fitment best I could with the pass side tail light.

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