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  1. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    UPDATE*** So i went to look at the LS. Ok So i checked ALL fluids, everything is topped up. Including the Steering fluid. K so the fan Does NOT spin AT ALL. No fan moving. Not in idle, not even in drive. The powersterring works just fine. No whining sounds or anything from it when i turn the...
  2. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    Of course. Cars that are about 1 second faster have the luxury to F*** around while my pedal is to the floor. Damn. You got it figured out son. 1 question to the pissed off driver of the STI: "Why so serios Bro? why you look mad if you screwing around with me bro? You mad Bro?" And be...
  3. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    Well i beat him. All i can say, is if he didnt have the pedal to the floor, but can out accellerate a Tuned LS for 2 gears, just F****ing around, with a mad dog serios look on his face but yet goof around on a Tuned V8, then thats pathic on the LS part :cool:
  4. L

    Buddy wants an LS

    "Many things killed the LS" Oh my how thats an understatement. Lets see... -Lack of power (tho it does triumph over its competator, the BMW 540) -Expensive Fuel type (91 +) - Poor marketing - High price tag - Dealers with lack of experience selling a vehicle in this class - Poor reputation = no...
  5. L

    Buddy wants an LS

    First, ive had nothing but good experience with MY ls. Im just sying the LS is notorious for problems because other people who owned them or still do complain about stupid little problems. It didnt get discontinued because its Reliable ;) Second, Unless this guy want to race around the track...
  6. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    K here what Happend ::: It was a Roll start, and FYI, HE hammered it first. I accellerated at 3000 RPM off the green light, i guess he saw me accellerate quickly and wanted to show off, and i noticed him pulling up quick, and when his front bumper reached mine i dropped the pedal to the floor...
  7. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    And about "sticky mickies" comment, Im running Kumho Y/Z rated tires with silica. 235 wide (stock). Even in rain its hard to slip. Warm those babies up and ill launch without a hitch. Unless the track is more slippery than a country road street at a stop sign?!?
  8. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    Another point, My buddy says his TL will DESTROY my car sround a track involoving corners. Says his suspension alone cost more than my whole car lol dont know much about TL suspension there, so i have no clue if he can. Says his "Brembo Breaks" alone slotter my LS breaks, even though his...
  9. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    On a side note, my brother tested it 6 months ago, and the temperature outside was warmer. When he tested it and claimed it overheated in 2 minutes in idle, outside was like 16 degrees celsius. When i tested it yesterday, outside was 3 degress. Dont know if weather is throwing me off.
  10. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    About my first post, My Brother tested the car 6 months ago and told me it over heated after 2 miunutes. Now, yesterday, I personally tested the car, and it ran for 5 minutes idle without overheating. So my brother was wrong. the thermostat guage remained at half when it was idling. It wasnt...
  11. L

    Buddy wants an LS

    does he want his hands full of problems? does he like to race and lose to just about every V6 ricer out there? does he like wasting his money on poor fuel economy? in all honesty, a 3.5 altima is a nice ride. Tell him to save himself grief and look into that. going from jetta to an LS...
  12. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    is there any way to test for a malfunctioning water pump? is there a fuse somewhere thats is being overlooked? i mean do parts like water pumps have fuses?
  13. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    No, he spent 50 thousand. he subleased from a guy. that guy leased the car for 55 thousand and only paid 5 thousand into the lease when my buddy took over. he is STILL paying for the car 2 years. the lease is almost up and now he has to buy back the car at 27 thousand
  14. L

    Has this ever happened to you?

    I remember watching T.V. when i was younger and a poll was done on a show.. The comedian surveyed (and he was serios but did this poll for humour) 100 americans. He had camera crew follow him as he surveyed the americans. So he took a blank world map (blank as in no words, just land mass) and...
  15. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    And about 13.9, i know that a "dreamer" for someone like me. But i have high hopes. I ran a New Subaru (STI) the other day. He out accelerated me in first and second. By third i was sailing passed him. Then i gave up on the throttle cause it was getting too fast and he zoomed right passed me...
  16. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    Actually, yes. Its about Ego. .. sorta.. My buddy is one of those guys who has no filter on his mouth and spews the first thought that comes into his mind. For example, if you bough an iPhone, he will tell you that your stupid cause Apple is gay and you shoulda bought a blackberry like him...
  17. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    I guess i shouldnt guess numbers lol But im also guessing no one here raced a TL-S? Also Alax 7, the video you posted is of a 3.2 TL. Sadly the LS in that vid lost to that version.. =/
  18. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    Awesome ok ill check the reservoir tomorrow. I wasnt aware the hydrolic fan had its own resevoir, (i mean i understand its hydrolic) but i thought it was shared with the coolant for some reason. Anyone know where the resevoir is located in the engine bay? Also, what exactly is solenoid and...
  19. L

    Most challenging Fix ever

    ***UPDATE*** OK so i just finished working on the car. This is my first time working on it, as before it was my brother. So i backed MY ls up to my AUNTS ls and used jumper cables to charge her battery. I then lay on the ground and put my head underneith, and told my aunt to turn the ingition...
  20. L

    Acura TL-S VS Lincoln LS

    double post ;/