
I like them. Maybe not when I put on the 18's. I don't know...we'll see.

Rust will be cleaned up, just not sure how well I can power wash it on jack stands, sure it can be done but not with the equipment I have.
I'll do what ever I have to once I crawl under there. Good music, a week away from this place and I will be in heaven.

I will probably start another post on cleaning off the rust AND doing the brake lines. I will search first for any relevant info of course.

I need to get a manual again. What is the BEST, absolute best one I can get? Anyone have one to sell?
I need to see all the brake line info as I have no idea what I am getting into. I see it gets tucked up there pretty tight in some spots.
I drove a car that was over 30yrs old with serious rust problems. Compared to your car it was fine. I say drive it

LOL, compared to my car your 30yo seriously rusted car was better than mine.
I hope you meant that the other way around if you were trying to console me:rolleyes:
chrissy pic.JPG

speaking of rust, what are these pieces i got circled? mine are pretty rusted out, is there anything you can do to replace these?

chrissy pic.JPG
As a mechanic and former body repair tech, let me assure you that that is definitely nothing to be worried about. The oil pan looks like it might need replacement soon, so keep an eye out for one of those in case it starts leaking on you, and for peace of mind you might want to replace the brake lines, but other than that, you are fine. The big thing in the center that looks so bad is just the fuel tank heat shield. Clean it up and spray some undercoating on it, and it will look fine. Even if it rots completely away though, it isn't structural. Also, the rear sway bar end links look like they will break if you ever try to take them off, but that is a cheap and easy fix, and not a safety concern so no worries there. The only thing I might be at all concerned about is the brake lines, but from the pics it is hard to tell exactly how bad they are. But they are a pretty cheap fix compared to what you have into the car, so you definitely aren't F*CKED. Cheer up, and start enjoying the car.

Now that that is out of the way... the car is still very clean... and will be easily cleaned up to perfect!

Now that that is out of the way... the car is still very clean... and will be easily cleaned up to perfect!

Devilchild didn't have them on, I made sure they were in the trunk when I picked it up and putting them on was the the first thing I did when I got home.:N
WTF... that is the exact opposite from me... my car had mudflaps and I almost didn't buy it because of those... drove straight home and took that ugly ass :q:q:q:q off!!!! :D


i have seen imports come off the boat brand new with more rust on them...

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Um.... Anyone want to go in on one with me and we'll just ship it around to all VIII owners that need to do the brakes?
I've been wanting to buy one for a while... I'm going to be doing my friends Datsun soon so I just might... I'd lend it to you!

Mike (94m5) has the modular timesert kit that he has sent to a few members.
...I am sorry but I doubt everyone here parks their car in a garage so the fact that a car sits on tar for it's life isn't a cause of that.

No, not all of us do. But not all of us are in rust-prone areas, my 93 pretty much doesn't have a speck of rust. But it's got some :q:q:q:qty clear coat. So you guys to the north shouldn't feel bad, those of us in the southwest get paint cancer instead of metal cancer...
holy crap !!!!..... its been a while.....

geez... i had already called my body guy and yelled at him as i began to read this thread.. now i feel like i owe him an apology !!..haha

i went on his word that ...and i quote.. " a palm sander and some spray protectant would fix the problem"..

he wouldnt even do the job.. he said he'd feel bad charging me for something i could do at home for cheap...

good luck and im glad you got your 3rd opinion to calm you down !!
and by the way Geno...... i only kept the mudflaps on to keep gravel from tearing up the paint ..

on my 93 there were millions of little paint chips under the rear bumper from numerous burnouts !!
ya got some surface rust that for sure.with the pics u have poated you really cant see any penetration of the rust.you need to get the car in the air and do some measurements.(a-symetrics)from what i see right now without true structural damage you might want to begin with getting it in the air,remove tank,dissasemble suspension,wrap drivetrain,tape up lines and have it blasted clean.then go from there.slag from age is to be expected,and unless the car has been in a major accident i wouldnt get rid of it.with what you got in it your really just a hop-skip-and jump away from having it the way it should be.dont get rid of the car it looks to clean.
didnt see you last pictures.it looks ugly i know however its trully a easy repair.again for what you have in it you might as well see it through.at least you know what you have then.i would use a porter power and tie it down to a rack and realign all the joints,then brace them front and back if possible and weld it tighta9after i had it blasted.tape it up from the rockers leaving the drivers door open and remove what i told you earlier.have it ready and have it somewhere it can be blasted from underneath.then go from i fortunate my car has been garaged by a lincoln service managers wife most of its life.
To be perfectly honest if not blunt. You bought a car that was located not ONLY near an ocean, but in an area known to salt thier roads in the winter time. This type of corrosion is to be expected on a 13 year old car, and the only way to help it is to blast the area clean and coat it like these people have been telling you to do for a while.

You bought a used vehicle made of steel which at last check...............Rusts. It's a fact of life, nothing lasts everything is turned to dust eventually.

spray bomb chip gaurd 3m,clear and paintable much better than flaps.if you can tape a str8 line than you can do that!just dont run it
didnt see you last pictures.it looks ugly i know however its trully a easy repair.again for what you have in it you might as well see it through.at least you know what you have then.i would use a porter power and tie it down to a rack and realign all the joints,then brace them front and back if possible and weld it tighta9after i had it blasted.tape it up from the rockers leaving the drivers door open and remove what i told you earlier.have it ready and have it somewhere it can be blasted from underneath.then go from i fortunate my car has been garaged by a lincoln service managers wife most of its life.

This sounds really pricey. Hopefully I can get a garage soon that I can start to disassemble and try to fix. I can do most anything mechanical but I just never have. The most I've done are a complete brake job, complete tune ups, oil changes and I did new fuel injectors. All this previous work was on a 88 tbird 5.0.
This just sucks is all. Those last pics I posted really sunk in deep.
To be perfectly honest if not blunt. You bought a car that was located not ONLY near an ocean, but in an area known to salt thier roads in the winter time. This type of corrosion is to be expected on a 13 year old car, and the only way to help it is to blast the area clean and coat it like these people have been telling you to do for a while.

You bought a used vehicle made of steel which at last check...............Rusts. It's a fact of life, nothing lasts everything is turned to dust eventually.


:iconcur: All we are is dust in the wind

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