God is Only a Theory

So,let's see,04..........you've called Christ a liar at John 3:13, you've called God a Sadist by announcing His intention to torture forever all sinners, even though God said the penalty was death. Romans 6:23, Psalms 146: 3 and 4
What do you think God thinks of your misled antics of late? Are you never going to take God and His son at their word? `They do not tremble at glorious ones'..........that describes you, 04.

Quote Don post #549:

"^Your source is biased and shows it in this statement. The Bible shows you that God created Christ,as he was called the `firstborn of all creation' in Colossians 1:15."

Take it up with the source Don. Contact them. They have a link so a person can do so.

And of course Don... to prove yourself right,,, but leave out the obvious so others don't see it... you only quote the latter half of Colossians 1:15. What deception!!!

Full verse Colossians 1:15

15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

What is an image Don??? If you look in a mirror,,, what do you see??? An EXACT image of you!!! So if Jesus is an image of God... then he is God!!! Not a separate being such as an Angel.

Firstborn of all creation... means that he was in charge of everything from the beginning... as GOD!!!

verse 16:

16For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

If he created all things Don,,, then He was/is God. An Angel can't create itself... so again,,, Jesus is not an Angel incarnate.

Oh shame on those that put the scales on your eyes. They will answer for that. Starting with founder Russel first!!!
Quote Don post #551:

"So,let's see,04..........you've called Christ a liar at John 3:13, you've called God a Sadist by announcing His intention to torture forever all sinners, even though God said the penalty was death. Romans 6:23, Psalms 146: 3 and 4
What do you think God thinks of your misled antics of late? Are you never going to take God and His son at their word? `They do not tremble at glorious ones'..........that describes you, 04.

Hmm... Nope, Christ is not a liar. Nope, God is not a sadist. You just can't grasp the concept of how if a peson rejects God,,, they put themselves in torture. Lake of fire does not necerssairliy mean burning alive forever... but maybe the anguish of eternal regret. Maybe you should have a look at the Wiki link I provided. What's the matter??? Afraid you might learn something that disagrees with your religion and what you have been taught to believe???

Actually Don... God and I are friends thanks to Jesus. Just because you have been taught to believe everything opposite from what I do,,, does not mean that I don't take God at His word.

Keep it up Don. You're doing exactly as a JW would do. "Sit Boo Boo, sit. Good boy!" "Now speak. Good boy!" Here's ypour treat.

Matthew 8:12 (NASB

12but the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Matthew 22:13 (NASB)

13“Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Matthew 25:30 (NASB)

30“Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Now compare to Revelation... talking about the city of New Jerusalem.

Revelation 21:27 (NIV)

27Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Revelation 22:15 (NLT)

15Outside the city are the dogs--the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.

Kinda sounds like these people are in "outer darkness" doesn't it Don??? Especially if they are outside the city, (new Jerusalem), and not allowed to enter.

Think these people will be weeping and gnashing their teeth Don... for not being able to be with God??? This is for eternity!!! So by a persons own choice to reject God, (and Jesus), they put THEMSELVES in eternal torment.

Again Don... not God's choice,,, but the individuals.
They don't GET everlasting life,04.You are saying they do,even though it would be a SUFFERING everlasting life. THINK about that,04.
They are dead,and no resurrection is coming for them. Read Job about the resurrection hope.He asked to die and be resurrected later rather than face Satan's attack. The wicked opposers of God's kingdom will be destroyed forever. No resurrection..................do you want to face that?
Then quit opposing God's statements about where the dead are and what will happen to Satan(brought to nothing).

don-ohio :)^I
read it in the Bible and it must be true.

...and Judas went out and hanged himself.

Go thou and do likewise.

What thou doest, do quickly.

You can make isolated, singular passages say anything by throwing them together and changing a word here and there.

Quote 04:'What is an image Don??? If you look in a mirror,,, what do you see??? An EXACT image of you!!! So if Jesus is an image of God... then he is God!!! Not a separate being such as an Angel.

Firstborn of all creation... means that he was in charge of everything from the beginning... as GOD!!! END QUOTE.

This is actually laughable 04........... because Jesus is exactly like his Father,you say he IS his father? Ever hear of the son being the `spittin image' of his Dad? Some people say if you've seen the boy,you've seen his Dad.
Jesus has always imitated his Father. He always PRAYED TO his Father. Was he praying to himself? C'mon,04, take Jesus at his words.
He said, after his resurrection from the tomb................`I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to MY GOD and YOUR GOD.'
Jesus is NOT his own Father.
don-ohio :)^)
Quote Cammer: `You can make isolated, singular passages say anything by throwing them together and changing a word here and there.'

No faith in God's word,Cammer? Read Luke 18:8........ I was kinda afraid you were that sort. So, WHEN God said to Adam `In the day that you eat from it you will positively die'(NOTICE God didn't decree any danger of hell-fire here), we can make that mean anything right?
Well,that's what Satan did. He told Eve `You positively will NOT die.'
So I guess you think the Garden of Eden and man's origin from Adam is a fairy tale? That would not surprise me. The religious seminaries are full of faithless people.....just watch the History channel.
don-ohio :)^)
Don, your frantic determination to make something from bits and pieces of verses from the Bible is well documented here. As my grandma would say, "Put a sock in it".

I feel sorry for you.

Don, your frantic determination to make something from bits and pieces of verses from the Bible is well documented here. As my grandma would say, "Put a sock in it".

I feel sorry for you.

You and I never met. I heard Gods voice while I was alone in my own home. One time is all it takes. I serve a real living God. Would you believe Hes real when he speaks to you. Its a special way . He dosen't use our ears. Or would you against your own experience with God continue to be a doubter?

One of the necessities you must possess in order to do any good when participating in an activity such as this is the ability to not only read, but to comprehend what you read. Since my position is in diametric opposition to what you stated about me just above...

I'm neither an unbeliever nor a doubter. And most assuredly I don't believe I 'know it all'.

When one of Gods people hears Gods word personally spoken to them, theres no longer believer neither unbeliever positions to be taken. Discussions sounding like philosophical arguments are no long needed nor a extensive analysis of the bible scriptures for the person who has heard the sound of our Gods voice directly to them. No amount of abstract discussion need be done once Gods voice comes to them .I know what I heard from God and cherrish the short time He spoke to me.He preformed a miracle the same day He spoke. I am beyond debate now and sure God exist
I'm not sure you took my meaning. I'm glad for your experience and find no fault with it. But, whether you intended it or not, your tone in your response was very accusatory. And if there were to be no need for analysis, it might almost be said that reading The Bible is a waste of time.

I don't remember ever suggesting that you need proof. As a matter of fact, demanding proof is the antithesis of having faith. I direct you to my comments on faith, above.

Proving is my term. I do not need prof since this experience came into my life/
This is fun. So about 14 billion years ago time and space were created. It's alive! The universe is one thing. It's unity is what is important.

As there is but one thing, the incredible variety of everything, is that one thing's expression. It's play if you will. So you are just the universe being it's self. As your point of view is very limited, you are just a small part of this. But you are as well, a part of everything. In fact, you are everything, you just have no way of relating well to this.

Hence the variety of religion. It's all largely wrong. The god part is the biggest mistake and has brought misery to humanity ever since some smart people thought up a great way to get everyone on side. There is no god. How could there be when the entire thing, is one thing.

Hope that helps with the confusion.
holy crap. the 2 jesus freaks stopped.
hey donno, there is written a few times in the bible of the stars falling from heaven, and one where it says they fall to earth. now, knowing what a star is, being our sun is one, and it's thousands of times bigger than the earth, how can they fall to earth without devouring it?

now, just a passing thought. have you noticed when you look into space, that everything you see is self assembling? hydrogen falls in under gravity to produce stars, which produce elements at their cores, then spit out in a supernova, producing the power necessary to fuse those elements heavier than iron, and be re-assembled into smaller suns and planets.
so, look up, look way up, and i'll call rusty. :)

and billboats, gods not real. you need to seek help if you hear voices. seriously.
Nice of you to stop in and drivel once in a while. Don was banned for his aggression. And any time you try to be snide you simply put your own shortcomings on display.

well, hey, your a jesus freak there too ks. why don't you explain it how they are gonna fall from the sky. never mind how, but where.
they'll be falling away for billions of years before they'll be gone from our view. way beyond earths lifespan.
your a man of truth and can make sense of that ks.
don't worry, i understand how religious people like trump. it's easy when you can't tell the truth from a lie.
happy vd ks.
holy crap. the 2 jesus freaks stopped.
Don stopped,,, because he was banned... and Don was not a Jesus freak.

I stopped... because I haven't been getting updates,,, and because Don can't spread his heresy here anymore. I MAY be considered a Jesus freak... but it might be more accurate to call me a Believer.

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