Went back and did some re-reading.
BUT, man has been God's representative since man's creation,
I don't think so. God has done a pretty good job of representing Himself... and defining what He wants from us.
If anything... the Bible points to the fact that man is mostly self-serving,,, which is opposite of being a representative of God. Yeah... sometimes we get it right,,,, but most times we get it wrong.
Most people:
Me First,
God Second,
Others Third.
How God wants it:
God First,
Others Second,
Me Last.
Not getting on your case,,, but just trying to prove a point.
Did Cain kill Able... because he was trying to be a good representative of God???
Were the cities of Soddom and Gomorrah good representatives of God???
How many wars are recorded in the Bible... and how many of them were humans being a good representative of God???
If humans were such a good representative of God... then why did Jesus have to die on the cross for our wrongdoings??? !!! ???
The WHOLE of the story of the Bible... is to point out that God made us with "free will"... the same as the Angels. Even some of the angels couldn't be a good representative of God,,, and we are lower than the Angels, (paraphrased Bible verse there).
So God knew we wouldn't always be a good representative of HIM.
So where does that leave us as humans??? By FAITH... under God's grace, (another paraphrased Bible verse). God offers to those people who have Faith,,, more than 1/3rd of the angels will get!!! All of the Angels have seen God,,, when very few people have!!!
So in some ways... all of us as humans,,, have a better chance of Blessing,(through Faith), than a third of the angels. Most people don't get this... or going to the other extreme,,, take it for granted!!!
My point... is don't miss the point! The Bible paints a very clear and clean, (and ugly), picture... of man's misrepresentation of God. Been going on for a long time. Do I need to mention "the crusades"??? "Convert to Christianity or die"!!!
Think God wanted that end result??? Yeah... we are great representatives of God as humans!!!
I apologize Ima. Don't take what I say here as personal. It's not directed at you,,, but to the thought process that through man's own volition... he can become more than what was self-intended.