How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Wouldn't surprise me if Newsom is getting kickbacks.
That's what his recent trip to China (at taxpayer's expense) was all about. He is getting the pipeline set up to take over Brandon's payments. Biden's disgusting performance at the wreath ceremony for the Unknown Soldier, a ceremony he has attended many times, should illustrate that he is no longer mentally capable to lead this country as he is an 81 year old man who is no longer in complete control of his mental faculties.
Must be why my State is turning purple. :rolleyes:
Not just your state. One of my sons, living in AZ says the same thing is happening there. The liberal idiots can't take it anymore where they are living due to taxes, cost of living, housing prices, etc. so they flee. Problem is, once they relocate they start to vote for the same insane policies and type of people that caused the problem in the state they came from. Go figure that one out.
No, we don't agree. Gavin Newsom can run on his record and win; when he's your president, just remember that I told you so.

I was mocking you people, because Trump had nothing under his belt in 2016 and you thought he was the best candidate to come around his a century.
And just what are his accomplishments? Schools? Housing? Homelessness? Crime? Cost of Living? Failing cities?
The only thing I don't like about my state... is that it went "common core".

Let's hold back the gifted ones... because not everyone learns at the same rate.:rolleyes:

That... and sometimes the winters here are a real beotch. Yup... we had -50 wind chills last year.

In 1978, we had a blizzard that dumped 3.5 FEET of snow. Most of the area was without power (or water) for 2 weeks.
Really??? Screenshot_20231112-184211.png
So Dude... After watching the CBN video... if Hamas is coming across the border with all the migrants, and they declare a "Holy War" against the U.S. ... What or how are you going to defend yourself.

Spit balls???
So Dude... After watching the CBN video... if Hamas is coming across the border with all the migrants, and they declare a "Holy War" against the U.S. ... What or how are you going to defend yourself.

Spit balls???

Oh sh!t, I better get really scared and go buy all the guns, some rando video told me Hamas is coming.
That's what his recent trip to China (at taxpayer's expense) was all about. He is getting the pipeline set up to take over Brandon's payments. Biden's disgusting performance at the wreath ceremony for the Unknown Soldier, a ceremony he has attended many times, should illustrate that he is no longer mentally capable to lead this country as he is an 81 year old man who is no longer in complete control of his mental faculties.

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