This thing is cracked causing my car to overheat

Does the bleed function (opening the screw) send out solid flow of coolant from the upper bleed port by the degas bottle? Could you have put the thermostat in backwards?
I also got the reference to releasing the refrigerant... Seemed to be impossible to change my V6 Generation 1 radiator without disconnecting the condenser connection(s) back 5 years ago when I chose to change mine. Thanks for the tip on the Gen 2 V8 thermostat Joe! Sounds like a nightmare.
Honestly Joe, I do not know I how you do it ... were do you find the energy and patience to constantly go over these same subjects over and over again.

People that don't search, read, learn or listen, every day, over and over again. Same subjects repeating itself seasonally.

Don't you ever get tired or fed up with it?
Don't you ever get tired or fed up with it?

some days, you can just taste it in his responses!

however i do think it is getting much easier for him... now, most of the time he just needs to go back to the main page and go down a couple of threads and either copy and paste what he wrote yesterday or just plain link to it. instead of taking the two or three minutes to actually do the simple search the person didn't do the first time.
What if the new radiator that I put in is bad what are the chances of that happening because I drove 40 minutes with the cracked radiator and the gauge "looked" fine

IMHO the statement above explains the OP continued problems.
Pure example of why kids should stay in school to at least grade 10. Unless Dad demands rent then maybe grade 9 and real world work experiences.
some days, you can just taste it in his responses!

however i do think it is getting much easier for him... now, most of the time he just needs to go back to the main page and go down a couple of threads and either copy and paste what he wrote yesterday or just plain link to it. instead of taking the two or three minutes to actually do the simple search the person didn't do the first time.

... taste it in his "Politically Correct and Kind" responses, and every so often the infamous, "Your's must be the exception to all the others" responses.

without a doubt, the Joe gets a gold star DAILY.
You do realize there are four types of schools right? One is called pre-school, it's mostly because your parents weren't allowed to take you to work every day, Second is a school were they pretend to teach you important stuff but the reality is, they still gotta keep you busy until your parents get home, Third is the big school, this is where you are now supposed to be Fn old enough to start looking after yourself, pretend you care and your parents don't need to be home when your done getting some crap jammed into your brain every day. Fourth is an even bigger school which with any luck you didn't pester your parents much while growing up so that they actually had time to go to work every day worry free and save up large amounts of money to put you into this big school. It is their hope that they get some Fn return on their investment and soon their basement back!
You do realize there are four types of schools right? One is called pre-school, it's mostly because your parents weren't allowed to take you to work every day, Second is a school were they pretend to teach you important stuff but the reality is, they still gotta keep you busy until your parents get home, Third is the big school, this is where you are now supposed to be Fn old enough to start looking after yourself, pretend you care and your parents don't need to be home when your done getting some crap jammed into your brain every day. Fourth is an even bigger school which with any luck you didn't pester your parents much while growing up so that they actually had time to go to work every day worry free and save up large amounts of money to put you into this big school. It is their hope that they get some Fn return on their investment and soon their basement back!
You're weird
yes I know that and you are the one that started a thread titled "This thing is cracked"

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