This thing is cracked causing my car to overheat

This thread is highly entertaining .... useless but very entertaining.

How's the solving of the overheating going? (since July 9th, 2015)

G ~ you can lead a horse to water but in this case it won't uber nothing!
Lol I don't have any money so I can't buy the parts I need
Would you PLEASE stop thanking everyone each and every time they make a Fn post Bud?
Lol I don't have any money so I can't buy the parts I need

Take the motor out of it and push it down the road.

Honestly, these are aging vehicles, after a good 10yrs, the entire cooling system plastics needs to be refreshed, I've done mine on my 1st GEN within the 1st year of ownership, there was only one lower hose I didn't bother with and nor needed a radiator.

If you don't have the funds to tinker with this car (and it will keep adding things to your list daily, trust me!) then I'd highly suggest either parting it out or using it as a trade in.

Possibly time to move on ... if you financially can't do the LS, it's not the car for you.

Nothing personal, never is.
I really like this car its different and I rarely see them around here I want to try and keep it on the road for a little longer I will replace the cooling parts and hopefully that will fix the problem I really don't see my self driving any other car I love this car
yeah, either run the test to see what the problem is or take it to somebody that can...

but... does the air feel heated? do you get AC for the first couple of minutes the car is running until the motor gets up to operating temperature?
yeah, either run the test to see what the problem is or take it to somebody that can...

but... does the air feel heated? do you get AC for the first couple of minutes the car is running until the motor gets up to operating temperature?
What test?? And the air is blowing but its not really hot feels like I need to add freeon but I know its not that because I just added some the other day
And a side note I had to buy two cans of freeon because the first time I tried to add freeon the hose wasnt clamped all the way on and it didn't go in the car I guess it sprayed all over the compressor could that have broken it??
well to keep this short, you need gauges to do a reading, to see what the system is and is not doing, then and only then can you actually figure out what the problem is.

This includes adding any refrigerant (its not freon, please don't call it that. if you don't know the right name, that's OK, just call it refrigerant) to the system, you may have been full already if that is not your problem, and you may have over filled it...

also, if you really were low on it, that means that you probably have a leak somewhere (and there is one that is quite common for the LS...), if you tried using it while it had a leak, you may have grenaded the compressor which could have destroyed the whole system...

I guess I'm also assuming(possibly incorrectly) that you have watched it and made sure that the compressor was running other wise you would have said its not even kicking on...
well to keep this short, you need gauges to do a reading, to see what the system is and is not doing, then and only then can you actually figure out what the problem is.

This includes adding any refrigerant (its not freon, please don't call it that. if you don't know the right name, that's OK, just call it refrigerant) to the system, you may have been full already if that is not your problem, and you may have over filled it...

also, if you really were low on it, that means that you probably have a leak somewhere (and there is one that is quite common for the LS...), if you tried using it while it had a leak, you may have grenaded the compressor which could have destroyed the whole system...

I guess I'm also assuming(possibly incorrectly) that you have watched it and made sure that the compressor was running other wise you would have said its not even kicking on...
Well the system was empty so I added 28 ounces of refrigerant because thats how much it takes could I need a new compressor??
I released all the refrigerant on purpose (to remove radiator) I dont know if there is a leak and what oil??
very important information that you should have included 1 hour and 54 minutes ago...

you obviously didn't put the right amount of refrigerant back in it.
take it to somebody that can...

of course this is assuming that you didn't mess with anything else, if you did, then you very well could have messed that up. advice is still the same
Did you add oil?
Did you change the dryer?
Did you pull a good vacuum for at least 30 minutes before you added the refrigerant?
What oil are you talking about what is the dryer and no I didn't vacuum it

The oil that goes in the compressor to lubricate it when running.

The dryer does what it says. It is a receiver/dryer.

You SERIOUSLY need to take this to a professional before you do any serious damage! Unless it's too late.

As Clint Eastwood said...... "A man's got to know his limitations."

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