This thing is cracked causing my car to overheat


So other than this branch, did you check your thermostat out and observe proper water flow?
I think Joe gave up....

Kind of...

Warped heads or a blown head gasket is not impossible, but is very uncommon/unlikely with this engine. Very common is trapped air due to tiny cracks in the plastic.
You can do a test for hydrocarbons in the coolant. You can buy a chemical test kit, or you can take it to a shop with a sniffer. It's your call, but it's the last thing I would do.
Repeated overheating can aggravate the situation. My engine overheated from a broken water pump, and after troubleshooting for a bit of an afternoon, without even moving it in the parking lot, my V6 definitely blew something. The coolant came out clean when I changed the thermostat, but two loads of fresh water later, the fresh water was coming out black. That took only 2 refills of the cooling system to happen. This gentleman has been actually driving with this problem, and if you can go from cold engine to overheated engine in a couple of blocks, things are way more effed than hairline cracks, would you agree? Or are the hairline cracks that phenomenal?
Repeated overheating can aggravate the situation. My engine overheated from a broken water pump, and after troubleshooting for a bit of an afternoon, without even moving it in the parking lot, my V6 definitely blew something.

well one big differentiating factor is that if your water pump broke, it wasn't able to get water flowing, so the very hot water in the aluminum heads, became even hotter water that wasn't being able to be cooled by being forced through the radiator. while his is overheating, he should still have water flowing through, pulling heat out of the motor and allowing it to cool through the radiator.

this specific car does a pretty good job of protecting itself from going nuclear with something sh!t hits the fan. just based on the numbers, blown head gaskets (while possible) are just not probable, and are ultra rare... I would suspect the other 20 ultra common problems that happen every day vs the one problem that has happened three times over the past decade and a half.

but thats just my $.02!
... if you can go from cold engine to overheated engine in a couple of blocks, things are way more effed than hairline cracks, would you agree? Or are the hairline cracks that phenomenal?

Disagree. This is pretty much exactly what happens when there is trapped air (caused by micro cracks). The V8 does a pretty good job of going into failsafe before damage. In general, I've seen/heard-of way more head/head gasket issues with Ford V6s than with the V8s.
Make sure you find why it is overheating otherwise you will blow the new radiator

only if you either bought a sh!t radiator or you glued on your dormant degas cap cause it didnt seal up right...
only if you either bought a sh!t radiator or you glued on your dormant degas cap cause it didnt seal up right...

He's right in as much as it will shorten the life of the radiator if the fan isn't working correctly. (The plastic parts of the radiator don't normally get all that hot, compared to the plastic parts on the engine.) Of course, it should still last years unless Dorman makes a radiator for the LS.
shortening the lifespan that still results in years, is not what I would consider blowing up.
would I want to ride in one as a client? iffy at best, very little leg room in the back.

would I want to own an LS and use it as a driver like that, no way, way too much wear and tear on an already old and tired car. not to mention a lot of the profits would get sucked down the gas tank.

would I want to drive somebody else's LS why driving for uber. hell yeah, might as well enjoy the wheel time!
This thread is highly entertaining .... useless but very entertaining.

How's the solving of the overheating going? (since July 9th, 2015)

G ~ you can lead a horse to water but in this case it won't uber nothing!

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