
Well Biden said it directly to some interviewer. So evidently it was a public statement.

Biden said he shouldn't have used that phrase in his phone call with some donors, that is was a poor choice of words. The Right spun it like Biden said it publicly. You people never have a problem with bullseyes comments and crosshairs being drawn on political opponents when the Republicans do it. Selective outrage on your part.
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Ya THINK??? And when I heard about it... it was already in the news. Scripps News to be exact.

You edited my post again to change the context, because you're a clown. My comment in full:

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. - Thessalonians

Since you like to quote scripture so much, does the above remind you of anyone? Someone who refers to themselves as "The Chosen One"?
Well the first verse you list is already happening. Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right.

But you take that verse out of context in the Bible.

So in proper context... the "son of perdition" is Judas Iscariot.... not Trump.

Judas has been dead and gone for centuries.

Typical Lefty.... taking the Bible out of context, and twisting the truth to another meaning.
Well the first verse you list is already happening. Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right.

But you take that verse out of context in the Bible.View attachment 828579036
So in proper context... the "son of perdition" is Judas Iscariot.... not Trump.

Judas has been dead and gone for centuries.

Typical Lefty.... taking the Bible out of context, and twisting the truth to another meaning.

Wrong. The 'son of perdition' is not reserved for any one individual. It's used twice, once for Judas (in John) and then for the anti-Christ (in Thessalonians). It's a past and future warning, as Jesus said he would return.

This is pretty basic Bible, you really should know this. Maybe you do and you're scared because Trump's also eerily similar to that Golden Calf in the OT, so you're deflecting and attacking to avoid facing reality.
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You Lying Lefty Liberal!!! I guess I should have expected gaslighting.

You just told on yourself. Didn't want to admit I was right... huh Karen???
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Ask God himself. If you get an answer let me know.

So now you admit that there WAS another shooter BEHIND Trump.... when you said earlier there wasn't, and tried to dismiss what I said.

You Lying Lefty Liberal!!! I guess I should have expected gaslighting.

You just told on yourself. Didn't want to admit I was right... huh Karen???
I asked you because you're 100% certain god saved Trump. So you seem to know.

No, I did not admit to a "second shooter", how do you even come to that conclusion from what I said? Seems the bullet that grazed Trump's ear, traveled on to murder that poor fellow sitting behind Trump.

You're a legitimate weirdo.
Wrong direction dumbass. You ASSUME the guy that got hit from the front by the kid on the roof. There would have been no blood on Trump's cheek if that were true.

AGAIN... there was supposedly another shooter up in the bleachers... BEHIND TRUMP!

So the 2nd victim was hit by another/different shooter. Even some of the news media was reporting that.

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