What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

I dont know what he has, nothing looks special in there. I was refering to your comment, not his install. I have been doing systems a long time and never heard of "convection cooling" in an amp before. I have heard of convection ovens. I have heard of liquid cooling systems for amps. But thats it.

convection /con·vec·tion/ (kon-vek´shun) the act of conveying or transmission, specifically transmission of heat in a liquid or gas by bulk movement of heated particles to a cooler area.convec´tive


Now you have heard of convection cooling for amps lol.

Installed my newly repaired & painted bumper in the (covered) parking lot of World Toyota's collision center. I had my tools and blankets ready for install, I thought it was cool that they let me install it myself right there. The bumper looks great and after I remove the headliner they will do some PDR on a roof ding as well as a door ding. Any tips on the headliner removal is much appreciated.


I also got to see some vaudeville style antics when a tech got a fork lift stuck on the speed bump. The real fun started when they got the shop's Tacoma and tried to "move" it. Both the fork lift and the pickup were laying a serious patch of smoke. I left before they were even close to getting the right tools for the job like another Fork lift!


I made sure to Finish the amp configuration I had going on the night before I installed the bumper.

The Tweeter/mid on the doors.

I spent 2 friggin hours cleaning tree sap off of my Mark. stupidest thing i did this weekend when i got home (4 hours south of college) and parked it under a tree the whole weekend. Boy am i suffering from it now :Bang
And I STILL have more to clean off of the car.
I spent 2 friggin hours cleaning tree sap off of my Mark. stupidest thing i did this weekend when i got home (4 hours south of college) and parked it under a tree the whole weekend. Boy am i suffering from it now :Bang
And I STILL have more to clean off of the car.

I did that once and I used the Turtle Wax tar remover and it came right off.
I should have looked for that stuff while at the auto store. Didnt even think about it. So I took my turtle wax ice and coated the car,and worked on getting the crap off. at least the car will get an extra 2 coats of wax this month! :D
thanks Cadillackman... now I am one step closer to restoring my car to her original glory.
replaced my VRCM. The AC and fan have returned! very good. the old one smelled of burnt electronics. pretty sure the magic smoke had been let out.
but now, the bro's 92 SHO won't start and the tach dances all over the place while cranking. weird. back to the garage.
The puddle from hell has returned to the carpet. Only thing left is the sunroof drain. Fun...
How many times you going to tell us you found the culprit and then come back a month later and say it is back? You gotta sunroof?

Let me explain it to you:

I've had both a passenger side leak and a drivers side leak since I took it out this spring. I made a thread on the pass side about 1.5-2 months ago and it's since been fixed. I've only made mention of the drivers side 2 times (2368,2451) saying that I fixed xxx water leak. Which was true because I was leaking in a couple diff spots. But I guess I havn't found the "bigger" very intermitent one.

Sometimes it leaks when it rains and sometimes it doesn't. Every time I fixed something and it didn't leak the next time it rained, I had thought i fixed it. It tricks me. :shifty:

And yes I have a sunroof..
I think next time it rains I would just sit in car and see if I could tell where it is coming from. There could not be too many more places it could come from, hopefully this time it takes care of it, or it is going to keep ruining your carpet. ;)
Worked on the '96 a little yesterday. I think I'm gonna install that smog pump this weekend and try to get the CEL to go off before I try to sell it. With a CEL, it'll be a hard sell in Moore county, NC. But somebody from Montgomery county or another non-OBDII county would do fine with it. Also gotta figure out WTF is going on with the dam idler pulley. I've replaced it 5 times and each time it'll be quiet for about a week and then start chirping again!!! Anyhoo, I'm not gonna sell it until I get the CEL to go off anyway.
Installed the evap tray i got from gman. It's nice to have a clean/rust free one under there.
I think next time it rains I would just sit in car and see if I could tell where it is coming from. There could not be too many more places it could come from, hopefully this time it takes care of it, or it is going to keep ruining your carpet. ;)

wouldn't a car wash serve the same purpose?
It's not a visible leak and a car wash wouldn't give me enough time to find it...I'm just going to take a hose and strap it to the top drivers side roof and search till I find it w/ the trim panels off..

Iirc, the FL s/r drain goes down the A pillar and exits to the outside through the kick panel..Thats where i'm looking first.
Got the tint done today, tomorrow will be an oil change, new mufflers with X pipe, install the asham 8, and finally fix my hurried install of my head unit with the back up camera that I've had for almost a year now. I'll have better pics tomorrow after I clean it up. And yes I'm trying to find the cause of the moisture in the driver's side head light. The guys had to do it twice. The installer did 5% instead of the 20% I asked for it only took an hour and a half to do both the 5 and 20%.


Removed the headliner so the PDR guy can do his magic on the roof ding and also did the Hal Case rear window lasagna repair.

Got the tint done today, tomorrow will be an oil change, new mufflers with X pipe, install the asham 8, and finally fix my hurried install of my head unit with the back up camera that I've had for almost a year now. I'll have better pics tomorrow after I clean it up. And yes I'm trying to find the cause of the moisture in the driver's side head light. The guys had to do it twice. The installer did 5% instead of the 20% I asked for it only took an hour and a half to do both the 5 and 20%.

Was there any mention of how hard the back window is? My tint guy hates doing the back glass of a Mark.

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