I looked for one of those small push on retainer/clip things to hold the metal arm from the blend door to the grey arm on the lower end near the glove box, to no avail. The metal arm is back on the grey arm and now, when I reach up and move it by hand, I have full heat. When adjusting the temp from full hot to about 70, it'll move by itself, but wont move it back to hot by itself. Oh well, it'll be good enough for this winter.
Well ever since I put my mufflers back on almost 2 weeks ago i've been getting exactly 18.0mpg all city driving. Iirc I was getting 16.8-17.3 before. I will say that it has been a little cooler this week (low 70's), but we had a 3-4 day stretch were it was above 80 (2 90+) last week.
Driving style hasn't changed either. idk,, just thought i'd share.
Also I just noticed after 4 years of ownership that the mfs has int speed settings. I always wondered why when it was clicked to "int" it went ultra slow. Perhaps it's cause the setting was on the slowest one..smh
Yep, I have been since about January. I've sold about 70 of them so far, mostly on Cobra/Mustang forums...
Almost all of those caps shown in the picture have already been paid for/ordered. I'll check and see how many extras I've got, if any, and let you know. I sell them for $40 shipped each.
Today was my last day at my current job, so I can't make them anymore. Hopefully my next job has some of the same equipment, and will enable me to start making them again...
Got the tq converter in and got the car running. Going to drive around for a week, then flush and filter change again. Been three months since I drove it last.
threw it on the trailer to take to my dads to fix the brakes... Popped a line almost a month ago. Putting it on the trailer with no brakes is kinda sketchy... not going to lie.
I changed the oil for the first time in my Mark myself last week.I have not done anything to a car myself in 8 years.It sure is nice to have a friend who has a car lift I can roll under. :wrench
I did polish the the headlights but I won't count that as really doing anything to a car.
I am in a wheelchair for those who do not know.
Oh and also I have been enjoying driving the Mark also. :steering
If you're a cop, and the only thing you're good for is writing tickets, i say you're a worthless waste of flesh...go do the world a favor and suck on your gun
i now have:
04 cobra wheels. $430
235 55 tires for the front. $50
275 40 tires for the rear. $75
mustang front hubs. $50
thunderbird rear hubs (going to saturn5 for machining). $120
lug studs. $10
lug nuts. $20
put around 400 miles on a 97 this weekend.
i like the interior. squishy seats. better door panels.
it didn't have as much go as my 93. didn't really get off the line. reluctant to down shift on the highway. gas mileage was so so. but i wasn't being too nice.
i would not trade up unless the gen 2 got tuned the way i would like it.
and stopped off at Gates for some barbecue in kansas city. now that's some good stuff.
Driving home from cleaning out my brothers shop after the flood I came across this Vega for sale. Got a load of the price and kept on going http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS6GJUGT5G0
Put some new speakers in the rear and changed out the rear shocks for some Bilsteins. The old motorcraft shocks did not have any gas left in them and the upper mounts were shot.
Man, what a difference!!! Me likey!!
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