What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

I ran out of safety material!!!

well that is just UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! here i got somethin for ya

Yo Geno, can you change BodyByAAS' name to Backwardswheelsguy

he'll fix them that was part of the deal :D
Ill take a pic of them this weekend on the right way - just if I need an alignment after this I'll be sad :(

.....why would you need an alignment after flipping the wheels around? unless you gotta tire pull and a alignment wont fix that new tires will tho!
.....why would you need an alignment after flipping the wheels around? unless you gotta tire pull and a alignment wont fix that new tires will tho!

The tires are all newish and in great shape - but with my luck.. the cars been running great and no issues - this car doesnt know how to be without issue for too long :(
Yet I have a job and Money :) -- you have.. a pretty white car LOLOL

(I dont know why you insist on being an :q:q:q:q:q:q:q...im better at it!)

Just because you take it in the ass does not mean you are better at being an ass hole.

Congrats on holding about $4000. Thats just super. Dont make you less of a fehg though.

I also own my house and 38 acres outright. Hows about you?
I owned beach front property in Maui, Hows about you?
I have owned many Porsches, a Ferrari, several new Corvetts, several Cobras, Couple new Beemers and Benzes, how about you?

That chit aint important. Friends are important. Being happy with what you got is important. Having people care for you is important.

Your little wad of cash, not so much.

No go back to sucking dick.
Congrats on holding about $4000. Thats just super. Dont make you less of a fehg though.
I also own my house and 38 acres outright. Hows about you?
I owned beach front property in Maui, Hows about you?
I have owned many Porsches, a Ferrari, several new Corvetts, several Cobras, Couple new Beemers and Benzes, how about you?
That chit aint important. Friends are important. Being happy with what you got is important. Having people care for you is important.
Your little wad of cash, not so much.
No go back to sucking dick.

Wow.. the part in bold is the smartest thing I've heard you say...

Its actually about $114K -about 1/2 of that is 100's and if you compare to my hand, its about 3-4inches thick. Anyhoo.. You had ALL THAT and lost it? Now you cant afford a :q:q:q:qing Powersterring Pump? If thats true then you are even more pathetic then I thought. No wonder you are so better - you either have a legit drug problem or not a single clue as to how to manage money. I mean, Property in Maui, A 'rari!?!? And now your scraping to find 60 bucks for a PS pump.. You sad sad pathetic bum.
Wow.. the part in bold is the smartest thing I've heard you say...

Its actually about $114K -about 1/2 of that is 100's and if you compare to my hand, its about 3-4inches thick. Anyhoo.. You had ALL THAT and lost it? Now you cant afford a :q:q:q:qing Powersterring Pump? If thats true then you are even more pathetic then I thought. No wonder you are so better - you either have a legit drug problem or not a single clue as to how to manage money. I mean, Property in Maui, A 'rari!?!? And now your scraping to find 60 bucks for a PS pump.. You sad sad pathetic bum.
I'm sad and pathetic? You stupid little POS focker, come say it to my face you focking pansy POS.

You haven't the focking foggiest idea what I have sacrificed to take care of family. You have no idea the chit I have been through and came out smiling where as you would be curled up in a ball and sucking your thumb.

You don't know why I sold my condo that I just about had paid off for a half million and bought my grandparents a house, my aunt a house and my father a house.

You are the pathetic focking bum. You not only don't know how to fix the simplest things on your car, you cant follow simple instructions on how to fix them.
You cant afford a jack or simple tools? How about taking it to a shop? Oh wait, you have over $100,000 so you can just buy a new car.... oh wait, thats BS too! I have had over $100,000 in my hand before in all 100 dollar bills and I can tell you its a bigger stack then you have in that picture.

I have bought and sold bitches like you many times. You ain't nothing more then a stupid POS worthless fock.

Go back to doing what you do best which is sucking dick.
I'm sad and pathetic? You stupid little POS focker, come say it to my face you focking pansy POS.

You haven't the focking foggiest idea what I have sacrificed to take care of family. You have no idea the chit I have been through and came out smiling where as you would be curled up in a ball and sucking your thumb.

You don't know why I sold my condo that I just about had paid off for a half million and bought my grandparents a house, my aunt a house and my father a house.

You are the pathetic focking bum. You not only don't know how to fix the simplest things on your car, you cant follow simple instructions on how to fix them.
You cant afford a jack or simple tools? How about taking it to a shop? Oh wait, you have over $100,000 so you can just buy a new car.... oh wait, thats BS too! I have had over $100,000 in my hand before in all 100 dollar bills and I can tell you its a bigger stack then you have in that picture.

I have bought and sold bitches like you many times. You ain't nothing more then a stupid POS worthless fock.

Go back to doing what you do best which is sucking dick.

LOL - Who said I couldnt afford a Jack? Ive never come on here crying about not being able to afford to have something done. Its you who keeps crying and squaking. If you had 1/2 a clue, you could have sold one of these fancy expensive things you claim to have had, and turned that money into more each month Like I do - I drive a mark because I LIKE it.. My gf drives a brand new car, I live in one of the Nicest Sections of South Florida, I just need a car to get too and from my warehouse, and I happened to like the Mark, hence why I drive it. I am also saving to buy a new hosue, so it didnt make sense to waste 50-80K on a new fancy car.. its not logical, but what do you know about spending wisely.. you apparenlty lost millions!!!

What I see speaks all that it needs... you dont have :q:q:q:q minus some acres of woods in the sticks... Now go back to crying :)
Hey, cock sucker. The offer is still open. Come on down to my woods in the sticks and we well settle this one on one. Its nice and far from anything so nobody will hear you scream like a bitch when I pimp slap you. Sparky.
Hey, cock sucker. The offer is still open. Come on down to my woods in the sticks and we well settle this one on one. Its nice and far from anything so nobody will hear you scream like a bitch when I pimp slap you. Sparky.
Since your Mark has so many problems you can just go ahead and drive your Fox vert.

Meh I sold that... And the mark runs just fine - its just petty things that bother.

Give me your address... Ill gladly fly over - dont worry, I can afford it ;) Just do me a favor, and let me kick your ass in the Airport parking lot, cause I need to catch the earliest flight back to my JOB so I can make some $$$ :)

What day are you off work???... Ohh wait, thats right :)
Kick my ass? Sure sparky.

LOL - Im 5'11 - 223lbs... I havent lost a one on one fight since I was 16... I dont smoke, and Im in perfect health... not trying to have a pissing contest with you... just accept defeat you moron and go back to your worthless life.
LOL - Im 5'11 - 223lbs... I havent lost a one on one fight since I was 16... I dont smoke, and Im in perfect health... not trying to have a pissing contest with you... just accept defeat you moron and go back to your worthless life.

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