Meh, im a bit more built then him...
Yeah, I found your pics. I wondered why you have that pissed off look but then thought if I took it in the ass like you do then I would prolly look pissed off too.Meh, im a bit more built then him...
Yeah, I found your pics. I wondered why you have that pissed off look but then thought if I took it in the ass like you do then I would prolly look pissed off too.
Didn't do much on the Mark, but did follow the dick measuring contest.... are we going to change the thread name??
Meh, ive spent 20+ years staring at the oceans around Hawaii and its much better then the chit you got there. I am just as happy looking at my horses on my acres of land as I was staring at water..... more so actually.
So how much does RENT run you?
And once again you are just showing your vast idiocracy.
So heres just a quick breakdown to edumacate you.
Owned my own company in Maui for years. Ive automated every water plane and cement plant on the island. Only made a few hundred grand a year doing that. Then got a contract to build a couple robotics systems for the dark matter telescope on Haleakela. Earned an honorary PhD in computer science. Made a million off that project and bought a condo and bought a house for my best friend cause for no other reason then we were best friends for 20 years.
I liked the work so took a job working for LURE subcontracted by NASA and I spent several years shooting satellites with a 1.2GW LASER. NASA ended up going with an automated system latter but in that time I worked on STAR WARS project a little and am one of only a few civilians to ever be allowed in the dome.
Around that time my fience was murdered in California while going to college that I had paid for the last several years. Few months after that I was diagnosed with a terminal illness as was my father. I spent a year doing chemo and couldnt work but I had a nice stash so I was ok. When things started to get tight I sold the condo and moved my family out here so I could take care of my father as he was still batteling and losing his fight and its SOOOOOO much cheaper to live out here.
So I was offered a job running a couple loan stores and took it just to do something.
Then my father got in legal trouble and I spent what I had left to hire a $40,000 lawyer.
As my luck would have it I also decided to buy a blower and install it the week before my company I worked for decided to downsize and I lost my job. Then the cars motor blew and that really strapped me since I had already spent my savings on trying to save a loved one.
So yeah, at this point in time I am not working. Couldnt get a job with the car broken but now its working. I am not worried about it and will have a new job soon enough. I have never had to fill out an application in my life as I have a job history that you could only dream about.
So go ahead and call my whatever you want and say whatever BS comes to your mind. It really dont matter cause you dont matter.
Changed my tone? Really? So you are in fact as dumb as you appear to be.LOL - it would have been better if he didnt change his tone once I asked to meet him.... Ahh well :q:q:qs like him are all the same - plus I cant kick his ass, cause he'd sue me since the broke :q:q:q:q cant afford medical bills and doesnt have insurance =/
actually fugg it, i am done with you. You are not worth the aggervation and time i have wasted already.
For the first time i am gonna add someone to my ignore list.
I managed to change the oil (GD LINCOLN- who the hell designed the filter locale?) Mobil1, install K&N, replaced L sunvisor, install serpentine, and attempted to R&R radio. I must be doing something wrong- I can feel the clips moving, but the head doesn't come out. I am now contemplating the door handle replacement. Oh yeah, I also washed it. All cars run better clean, don't they?
Yet I have a job and Money-- you have.. a pretty white car LOLOL
(I dont know why you insist on being an better at it!)
Showing off lots of money Fail
notice the ink pattern flowing across the edges of the stack matches the ink on the edge of the partially exposed $20
Showing off lots of money Fail
notice the ink pattern flowing across the edges of the stack matches the ink on the edge of the partially exposed $20
Coat hanger..I'm being serious...shove a piece in the hole about 3 inches, all 4 need to be unlocked at the same time...then grab the deck and pull , should slide right out