Been Lacking in my posting of updates..
Well, With DLF's help and guidance..

Finally got the 98 trans installed after a bunch of F'U's and Holy Sh!t I can't beleive they did this.. while looking at the car... and hearing all the "This has got to be the Dirtiest Car I have ever worked on!!"

Anyway, we had to cut the Exhaust off the car and tacweld it back on, had to repin the harness, and then had to cut an ear off the bell housing of the 98 to clear the EGR Tube from a Gen 1., And when re-pinning the harness the wiring diagram had used color codes on the wires, well if you see 2 brown wires in the harness, lets just say for the sake of simplicity, they are actually Purple.. then everything comes together.
Now what we found was the D/S was a total obomination. the U-Joints were not factory and were outfitted with Grease Fittings and I assume they were never greased as the u-joints were totally wipped out. Can anyone Say VIBRATION!!! and then we get the trans out, (I will be investing in O2 Extensions) I pull the TC and lets just say I am surprised It was still capible of forward motion, there didnt seem to be much of any bearings left in the TC, Yet another source of Vibration..
And then we were able to replace the Accumulators for 1-2 and 2-3 while in there left out the lower 1-2 but kept the 2-3 spring in.
We also put in the J-mod plate for the 98 trans.. I agree much firmer shifts and after all of this.
I now have a respectible smooth ride home.!
Things still to do now I had a chance to see the car..
Fix Oil Pan Gasket, Fix Power steering leak., Fix Drivers side exhaust flange.
Clean the undercarriage, detail the car, and then put in the Tracklok. Maybe afterwards, I will then get the Adrenaline Air Pump, Mine is I think on its way out. yet again.
Anyway Its all good now I see some light at the end of the tunnel so to speak!