What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Found out why i was getting water on my pass side floorboard when it rains. The gasket on the cowl over the air intake was loose..Fixed it and made a little shield over the intake to block the water if it gets past again..I'll have to wait and see how it effects the actual flow of air..It's just covering the top so there should still be plenty of flow.

fixed a piece of weather stripping

Glued the drivers side window button covers back on.

Glued up the rearview mirror tab

Started my wheel well project..Should be done 2maro.
Funny, so did I. How'd your car get to my house? I cannot say. But we all know I didn't walk!
Washed all three of our vehicles today:)
They look soooooo much better when they're clean!








Decided to say f it and paint my calipers and put my wheels on..It's supposed to be the same temp ect next weekend when i had planned on doing it..Sooo, yea...
Installed new door handles on the 93. Also put a new cup around the handle on the left door.

Attempted to change the thermostat on my 97. Managed to crack the thermostat housing. ARRGGHHH!!!! Gotta call Max first thing in the morning.
Changed the oil in the black one, vacuumed them both out, and got them loaded up for a road trip :)
Busted ass on Sapperfires car today. He was just gonna wash it here but we figured getting rid of the rest of the pin stripe would be a good idea..... which turned into claying and glaze/waxing the car. Its not perfect cause I need a new medium cut pad but it looks way better then before. Will post up better pics tomorrow but here are some teasers. :D



Changed the oil in the black one, vacuumed them both out, and got them loaded up for a road trip :)
Thats funny, I just washed and vaccumed out mine too today for a road trip coming up. Then I went to go get something to eat and got it all dusty again. :(
Oh well, Ill wash it again before I go.

So where ya taking a road trip to? :)
Thats funny, I just washed and vaccumed out mine too today for a road trip coming up. Then I went to go get something to eat and got it all dusty again. :(
Oh well, Ill wash it again before I go.

So where ya taking a road trip to? :)

I'm headed to the dirty south.. you?
:Beer :steering
Actually decided on looking at the hotties that work at 3rd Base Sports Bar. They are so hawt and almost nekkid. Its like a dream come true. Some uber hawt blond with her perfect ass hanging out bringing you beer and wings....... I love America.
I looked at mine and wished I could afford the things I want to do to it. It needs a bath too.
New battery terminals and trunk emblem on the DA.

Ordered parts for the 97. Some from Maxx, some from Peter.
Ordered 2 sets of components today and new gold plated battery terminals for the upcoming big 3 upgrade.
Fixed the left headlight on the DA. Two of the pegs that hold the light in place and aim it broke. Took good pieces off of a nasty old spare headlight housing I had. Now both lights point in the same direction!

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